Winter term 2011/12

Softskill Courses - winter term 2011/12

Literature: Search and management

Antje Sülau

1) December 16th 2012; 10:00 - 12:00; course language: german


  • Short overview of library catalogues; scientific journals and scientific databases at the univerisity

2) February 10th 2012; 9:00 - 16:00 (Friday)


  • Library catalogues / Meta catalogues
  • Scientific journals
  • Library in Wechloy
  • Scientific databases (ISI Web of Knowledge / Web of Science / Journal Citation Reports)
  • Management of literature (EndNote Web)
  • Electronic publishing (Open Access)

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Introduction to university didactics for PhD-students

Björn Kiehne

March 6th 2012; 9:00 - 17.00; course language: german


The work with students shows a special job for every teacher. Even if an outstanding expertise exists and experiences in planning lessons were made, every teacher puts to himself at the beginning of a new semester the same questions: How do I plan my lectures in such a way that the students learn possibly a lot? Which methods can I use to make the learning easier? And how can I already put at the beginning of my lecture the points for a good success? In one-day impulse are given for the participant basics in university didactics. At the same time you get an idea of activating teaching methods and tools which allow the efficient planning of lectures.


  • Formulating Learning targets
  • Moving competence orientation in teaching action
  • Common experience in vital teaching and learning
  • Discussion about the support of key qualifications

Björn Kiehne

Educationalist and adult's pedagogue, Berliner Zentrum für Hochschullehre (BZHL), development of continuing education draughts for teachers at the Berlin colleges, research to learning biographies and draughts to learning teaching processes of scientists and female scientists.

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Research funding and Career development

Dr. Beate Scholz

February 29th and March 1st 2012; course language: english

This course is offered by GLOMAR (Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences) in English. There are limited places for students of the Graduate School 'Science and Technology'.

The 1,5 day course aims at providing the participants with an overview of the research system in Germany and Europe as well as of funding opportunities for research career development. In addition, it offers insights into the aims and habits of research funding institutions and peer review procedures. By simulating a peer review session during the second day participants will gain a feeling for an actual review process. Qualified feedback will help them to optimise their own research proposals.


  • The research system in Germany and Europe
  • Typology of research funding and career development programmes
  • Analyses of programme requirements and peer review perspectives
  • Essential features of successful project proposals
  • Presentation of a research proposal in a nutshell

Please note: Participants are asked to submit a CV until 15 Feb! This will enable the trainer to prepare the contents of the course with respect to the individual needs of the participants.

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Funding oppportunities for research career development

Weiterentwicklung der wissenschaftlichen Karriere durch Forschungsförderung und Drittmittelakquise

Dr. Beate Scholz

February 14th and February 15th 2012; course language: german

This course is offered by OLWIN in German. There are places for students of the Graduate School 'Science and Technology'.

Dieses Training richtet sich an Wissenschaftler/-innen in der Qualifizierungsphase nach der Promotion, die sich bereits für die Fortsetzung ihrer wissenschaftlichen Karriere entschieden haben. Es zielt darauf ab, den jeweils anstehenden nächsten Karriereschritt (z.B. die Erreichung einer unabhängigen wissenschaftlichen Position oder die Erlangung der Berufbarkeit) vorzubereiten. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Informationen über aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen innerhalb des deutschen sowie des europäischen Wissenschaftssystems sowie das Kennenlernen von Fördermöglichkeiten, die eine längerfristige Perspektive für die eigene Karriereentwicklung beinhalten oder strategische Bedeutung für die Erhöhung von Berufungschancen haben. Durch die Simulation einer Begutachtungs- bzw. einer Berufungssituation gewinnen die Teilnehmerinnen Erfahrungen, die Sie unmittelbar nutzen können, um ihre Wettbewerbschancen zu verbessern.

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OlWin program

The program for further soft-skill course of OlWin you find here.

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GLOMAR program

The program for further soft-skill course of GLOMAR (Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences) you find here.

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