EARLI SIG11 Conference 2022

Digital Transformation in Teaching and Teacher Education

  21st June 2022 Pre-conference (JURE)
22nd - 24th June 2022 Main-conference (SIG 11)
Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany

The SIG 11 "Teaching and Teacher Education" of EARLI - the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction - invites researchers to join the 2022 conference in Oldenburg and to present and discuss their recent research. The SIG 11 conference offers a platform for fostering the scientific discourse on current topics of high-quality teacher education research, which is meaningful for practice and may facilitate teacher education in all phases of a professional career.

We are looking forward to welcome you in Oldenburg (Old.)!


The 2022 conference theme of the EARLI SIG11 is

"Digital Transformation in Teaching and Teacher Education"

Rapid changes in information and computer technology (ICT) affect learning in schools and universities. Children now have access to ICT early in their life. This experience influences learning and instruction in schools and universities. Teachers need specific knowledge about educational technologies and about an efficient and beneficial implementation into classroom practice. University teachers need to develop didactical methods to enable future teachers to enrich their teaching with ICT. We need to support and educate teachers who can educate the next generation of lawyers, plumbers, doctors, carpenters, and teachers in the best possible way considering the challenges of the digital transformation in almost every aspect of school and university life. To do so requires that we learn more about the impact of digital transformations on teaching and learning in schools and in teacher education programs. Research-based contributions to the conference theme, as well as to other relevant questions of teaching and teacher education are welcome. 

We are looking forward to warmly welcome you to Oldenburg soon!

The SIG 11 conference 2022 will take place at the Cultural Center PFL
(Kulturzentrum PFL, Peterstraße 3, 26121 Oldenburg).

Call for Papers

  • Call for Papers (pdf) Here you can find the Call for Papers. It includes all information about the proposals for the JURE- and the SIG11-conference. Please do not hesitate to contact us for all conference related questions. We are looking forward to your participation! Extended submission: 21st of January 2022 (time zone: CET 23.59).

Program Overview

JURE Poster Session: 

In the JURE Poster Session, 5 minutes are allocated for each poster presentation.
After the first 4 authors presented their posters, a discussion with the audience of each poster (10 minutes, 40 minutes in total) follows. Afterwards, the next 4 authors present their posters, again followed by individual discussions with the audience.

JURE Round Table: 

The JURE Round Table (120 minutes) offers opportunities for a more discursive exploration of research issues. This is the place to present and discuss emerging data, or to solve a research issue or problem.

Symposium I and II: 

Symposia consist of three papers and a discussant. Each paper will be allocated 20 minutes maximum for presentation (including discussion), and the same for the discussant.

Paper Sessions: 

The Paper Sessions comprise three singel papers. Each paper will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion following each paper.

Poster Session: 

In the Poster Session, 10 minutes are allocated for each poster presentation.
After the first 3 authors presented their posters, a discussion with the audience of each poster (5 minutes, 15 minutes in total) follows. Afterwards, the next 2 authors present their posters, again followed by individual discussions (5 minutes, 10 minutes in total) with the audience.




The registration can be made here: https://www.earli-eapril.org/conference/62/registration

1.     Early Bird Registration (until 08.05.2022):

EARLI Member (€170), Non-EARLI member (€200), JURE member (€100), Non-JURE (Phd) student (€110)

2.     Late Registration (09.05.2022 – 22.06.2022):

EARLI Member (€200), Non-EARLI member (€250), JURE member (€130), Non-JURE (Phd) student (€140)

In case of cancellation before May 8th, 2022 (time zone: CET 23.59) an administration fee of 40% will be charged (meaning that 60% will be refunded). From May 8th, 2022 no refunds will be made. Transfer of registration to a colleague is not possible. A cancellation has to be done by e-mail to earli-sig11@uni-oldenburg.de.

3.     Conference Dinner Ticket:

General dinner ticket (€55)

Dinner ticket for JURE member (€40)

4.     Day ticket:

Early Bird Registration (until 08.05.2022):

EARLI Member (€85), Non-EARLI member (€100), JURE member (€50), Non-JURE (Phd) student (€55)

Late Registration (09.05.2022 – 22.06.2022):

EARLI Member (€100), Non-EARLI member (€125), JURE member (€65), Non-JURE (Phd) student (€70)

5.     Keynote tickets:

Early Bird Registration (until 08.05.2022):

EARLI Member (€14), Non-EARLI member (€16,50), JURE member (€8), Non-JURE (Phd) student (€9)

Late Registration (09.05.2022 – 22.06.2022):

EARLI Member (€16,50), Non-EARLI member (€21), JURE member (€10), Non-JURE (Phd) student (€12)


In case of cancellation before May 8th, 2022 (time zone CET 23.59) an administration fee of 40% of the conference dinner ticket will be charged (meaning that 60% will be refunded). From May 8th, 2022 no refunds will be made. A cancellation has to be done by e-mail to earli-sig11@uni-oldenburg.de.

Please note that the conference registration fee will be used for, among other things, expenses incurred to purchase or provide meals, refreshments and/or entertainment (so-called hospitality expenses).

Hotel booking

To make a reservation, please use the following forms and send it to tagungen@oldenburg-tourist.de

Booking form Earli Sig11 2022 (english)

Buchungformular Earli Sig11 2022 (german)


Do I need an account to register for the EARLI Sig11 Conference?

Yes, you need an EARLI account to register for the conference. You can create one at the following link: www.earli-eapril.org/create-account

Do I have to provide my value-added tax (VAT) identification number when registering? 

No, the VAT identifikation number is not required to register for the conference.

When will the conference start on the first day?

The meeting is scheduled to start at 12 p.m. on June the 22nd with a short opening followed by the regular program.

Can I use the proposal that was already accepted for the earlier scheduled in 2020 conference?

Yes. However, in order for your submission to be considered again, you must resubmit it.

Would it be possible to submit three contributions for the symposium from the same county?

Yes. Contrary to the official Earli policy, we also accept symposia in which the contributions do not come from different countries.

Do I have to submit an extended summary?

The conference tool unfortunatly does not allow to skip the extended summary. Please follow the instructions in the Call for Papers when submitting your proposal.

An extended summary (1500 words) is only required for the JURE Keynote Challenge. If requested please use the field of the extended summary for the discussion questions. Otherwise enter the literatur references here. 

If you don´t fill in anything in the field for the extended summary, you can not submit your proposal.

Does the conference take place in a hybrid format? 

No, the conference will take place at the cultural center PFL (Peterstraße 3, 26121 Oldenburg) without a hybrid format.  


Conference convenor:

  • Barbara Moschner, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Oldenburg

International organizing committee:

  • Tova Michalsky, Bar-Ilan University, SIG 11 coordinator
  • Clara Kuhn, University of Salzburg, JURE coordinator SIG 11 

Local organizing committee:

  • Maja Brückmann, Department of Educational Sciences
  • Juliane Schlesier, Department of Educational Sciences
  • Marisa Alena Holzapfel, Department of Educational Sciences
  • Laura Ohmes, Department of Educational Sciences
  • Nicolas Arndt, Department of Educational Sciences
  • Phuong Mai Bui, student assistant
  • Lina Marie Jeromin, student assistant

Program Changes

Graphic Recording - JURE Round Table

Internetkoordinator (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p60427en
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