Important information for students

The research workshops of the Mixed-Methods Laboratory are open to students of the Model Program in Human Medicine as PE workshops and can be taken via StudIP. Doctoral students from the Department of Health Services Research as well as students in the Master of Health Services Research please also register via StudIP.


Contact person for inquiries regarding qualitative surveys

Dr. Milena von Kutzleben

Contact persons for inquiries regarding questionnaire-based surveys

Dr. Anna Zinkevich

Mixed-Methods Laboratory

The mixed-methods laboratory is an offer provided by the division of Organizational Health Services Research to colleagues with an interest in methodological approaches in health services research. Our aim is to develop and promote the integration of qualitative and quantitative research methods in the field of (organizational) health services research. Of course, we also provide support for research projects that exclusively use qualitative or quantitative methods.

We focus on:

  • Reconstructive approaches (e. g. objective hermeneutics) and content analysis as well as various forms of meta-synthesis of qualitative studies (Milena von Kutzleben)


  • Survey design ant the development and implementation of standardized quantitative surveys. The Mixed-Methods Laboratory is equipped with the appropriate software and hardware and we are happy to help you with the technical implementation of your questionnaire-based surveys (Johanna Lubasch, Helge Schnack Anna Zinkevich).

We offer a regular research workshop for joint work on qualitative data, e.g. interview material, knowledge transfer, e. g. short training courses or input, and a consultation hour for individual enquiries.

In order for the Mixed Methods Laboratory to become a lively place for scientific exchange, your topics, questions, data and, above all, your willingness to discuss are in demand!

Therefore, we invite you to our research workshop. In a research workshop all phases of a qualitative research process can be discussed. It is all about “joint thinking”, e.g. discussion on research questions, designs, sampling strategies, ethical aspects etc. and “hands-on data analysis”. A research workshop thrives on regular collaboration in which each participant has the opportunity to contribute his or her own content.

Previous events of the Mixed-Methods Laboratory

25.08.2022 PE Year 5: Qualitative content analysis and coding methods - interpretation and publication of own results
07.07.2022 PE Year 5: More than just questions and answers: the development of questionnaires
02.06.2022 PE Year 5: Quality criteria and evaluation of qualitative research
05.05.2022 PE Year 5: Research ethics and ethics applications using the example of qualitative research with vulnerable groups
07.04.2022 PE Year 5: Introduction to mixed methods designs in health services research

Research workshop: The qualitative research process in theory and practice: what influences the subjective experience of participation of people with multiple sclerosis? Qualitative content analysis of focus groups and individual interviews

04.11.2021 Research workshop: Hermeneutic sequence analysis with Prof. em. Dr. Jo Reichertz
23.09.2021 Research workshop: The qualitative research process in theory and practice: document analysis of physician job advertisements
15.04.2021 Research workshop: Project TriaDe_online; Focus: Problem-centered online group discussions


Input event and discussion: "Pretest interviews"


Input event and discussion: "Online and telephone interviews"


Research workshop: Data from the NuMob-e project


Input event and discussion: publication of qualitative data and results, quality criteria, reporting standards & critical appraisal


Input event and discussion: Basics of questionnaire development


Research workshop: Introduction to the topic "Requirements Engineering in Medical Informatics"


Input event and discussion: The qualitative content analysis in health research and health services research


Research workshop: Discussion of the methodology of the project "Psychological burden and coping after implantation of a left ventricular assist device – Starting points for rehabilitation"


Research workshop: Development of a guideline for health promotion counselling in the project "Participative Decision Making Processes (PEF) in Work Promotion".


Research workshop: Data from the project MONA-T


Opening of the Mixed Method Laboratory & Research workshop: Evaluation of the focus group interviews in the MUK project

Video recommendations and links

Conducting qualitative interviews on the phone or online - information for students:

BMTalk on "Qualitative Research in Times of Corona" with Jo Reichertz:

Blog of the German Society for Sociology (among others on the topic "Corona and the crisis of social science research"):

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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