Brain Awareness Week
Every March the Brain Awareness Week takes place. This is an international initiative to educate the public about the brain, neurological diseases and the importance of brain health to raise awareness of the importance of brain research. The Science Communication of the Department of Psychology (SCoP) is participating for the first time this year.
We thank the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, the Schlaues Haus, the Buddel Jungs, the Research Training Group Neuromodulation and the Department for Research and Transfer for their support.
All events will be held in German. Admission is free.
11 March at 19:30 - 21:30 - Brewing Minds: brains and drinks
Buddel Jungs Bar, Friedenspl. 2, 26122 Oldenburg
An unconventional pub evening awaits you: let scientists explain their research in a convivial atmosphere, enjoy a drink and take part in stimulating discussions! Learn more about the diverse research areas of the Department of Psychology at the University of Oldenburg. We will announce the topics here.
12 March at 16:00 - 19:00 - The researched brain: Open day
NeSSy, Küpkersweg 74, 26129 Oldenburg
Experience an exciting guided tour through our MRI facilities, learn how an MRI works, and discover the diversity of current research projects at a poster forum. You can expect interactive demonstrations of our equipment and insights into the everyday life of scientists and the course of studies. There will also be entertaining games for young and old, such as brain counting and lecture bingo.

13 March at 18:30 - 21:30 - The hearing brain: movie evening on hearing loss in old age
Schlaues Haus, Schloßplatz 16, 26122 Oldenburg
We are showing Hear Me Out, a French comedy that humorously shows how unnoticed hearing loss can affect relationships and participation in life. Teacher Antoine is not only oblivious to the sounds of his surroundings, but also to the needs of those around him - until a new neighbor and a diagnosis confront him with his hearing loss.
Afterwards, we invite you to a discussion with researchers from the Department of Psychology and the University Medical Center Oldenburg to talk about dealing with hearing loss in old age.
Digital campaign - The curious brain
Instagram @ncp_department_uol
Experience the fascination of brain research online! During Brain Awareness Week, we are bringing exciting insights directly to our website and Instagram(@ncp_department_uol).
What can you expect?
- Event highlights: Live updates and info on our events.
- Hands-on science: Comprehensible German summaries of open access articles from our working groups - with links to the English originals for those hungry for knowledge.
7 March at 18:00 - 19:30 - Migraine in focus
PFL, Peterstraße 3, 26121 Oldenburg, Seminarraum 2
The MigräneLiga e.V. will provide information on the recognition and treatment of migraine (PD Dr. Oliver Summ, Evangelische Krankenhaus) and self-help services (Lucia Baumann, MigräneLiga e.V.). In addition, a current study on cognition in migraine (Cordula von Linden, University of Oldenburg) will be presented. If you are interested in participating, you can find more information here: Study participation [pdf]. Afterwards, participants can ask questions. Event flyer [pdf].
This event is organised by the Migräne Liga e.V. and will take place before the start of Brain Awareness Week.

12 March at 18:30 - 21:30 - Dementia film evening
Schlaues Haus, Schloßplatz 16, 26122 Oldenburg
Join us to watch the film "Still Alice" and take part in a discussion with researchers from the Department of Psychology and the University Medicine Oldenburg.
"Still Alice" is a film drama that was released in 2014. The film focuses on the challenges of dealing with an Alzheimer's diagnosis and the resulting changes in life. Julianne Moore plays a linguistics professor who is confronted with an Alzheimer's diagnosis. She was honoured with an Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role for her impressive performance.
13 March at 19:30 - 21:30 - Brewing Minds: brains and drinks
Buddel Jungs Bar, Friedenspl. 2, 26122 Oldenburg
An unconventional pub evening awaits you: let scientists explain their research in a convivial atmosphere, enjoy a drink and take part in stimulating discussions! Learn more about the diverse research areas of the Department of Psychology at the University of Oldenburg, from autonomous vehicles that make mistakes (Maren Bertheau) to tinnitus (Dr Stephanie Rosemann) and healthy ageing (Prof Dr Mandy Roheger).