Scholarships for international students and doctoral candidates

Opportunities to apply for STIBET scholarships are reopening on December 1, 2024. The deadline for applications is January 15, 2025. 

(It is not possible to apply for an Oscar Romero scholarship this time.)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports international students and doctoral candidates at German universities with its STIBET programme, which is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office (AA). STIBET scholarships are fundamentally intended to fund degree programmes in Germany and not studying in (neighbouring) foreign countries or study abroad semesters. The University of Oldenburg awards the following scholarships at half-yearly intervals:

1. STIBET scholarships to aid degree programme completion

to support students with successfully completing their degree programmes within one year and with focusing on their studies and their academic performance

Requirements: Who is eligible for degree programme completion scholarships?

  • International students and doctoral candidates enrolled at the University of Oldenburg who will successfully complete their degree programmes within the next year (specifically, Bildungsausländer*innen, international students who gained their matriculation qualification outside of Germany or at a bridging course for international students in Germany). International students with multiple citizenship are ineligible for STIBET funding if they hold German citizenship.
  • Very good performance in degree programme/good progress with doctoral project
  • Active involvement in society and/or in university politics is desired
  • Residence permit valid for the purpose of studying for a degree or completing a doctorate. This usually means a permit granted pursuant to Section 16 Residence Act (AufenthG) for “residence for educational purposes”.
  • Students and doctoral candidates who have encountered exceptional hardship in the final phase of their studies due to circumstances beyond their control

Recipients of scholarships are permitted to work while they are in receipt of the scholarship. But the sum of gross earnings from paid work and each scholarship instalment may not exceed 1472 euros for students and 1838 euros for doctoral candidates.

Funding amounts, duration of funding

In general, scholarships of up to 500 euros per month are awarded for 3 to 4 months. The amounts granted and the periods for which they are granted depend on the level of funding that is available.

Award criteria

  • Academic achievement (appraised for students on the basis of credits/grades and for doctoral candidates on the basis of short reports)
  • Completion within the next year (documented by expert opinion, academic record)
  • Letter of motivation
  • Reference letter from referee
  • Outline of hardship situation, if applicable: Have you encountered exceptional hardship in the final phase of your studies due to circumstances beyond your control?

Desired: voluntary work

2. STIBET scholarships for remarkable volunteer commitment

for international students and doctoral candidates with good academic performance and outstanding commitment demonstrated in an international context at the University of Oldenburg

Requirements: Who can receive support in the form of a STIBET scholarship for remarkable volunteer commitment?

  • International students and doctoral candidates enrolled at the University of Oldenburg (specifically, Bildungsausländer*innen, the international students who gained their matriculation qualification outside of Germany or at a bridging course for international students in Germany). International students with multiple citizenship are ineligible for STIBET funding if they hold German citizenship.
  • Outstanding commitment demonstrated in an international context at the University of Oldenburg
  • Good performance in degree programme/good progress with doctoral project
  • Residence permit valid for the purpose of studying for a degree or completing a doctorate. This usually means a permit granted pursuant to Section 16 Residence Act (AufenthG) for “residence for educational purposes”.

The scholarship may not be linked to any reward or service in return (services, employment relationships, etc.).

Recipients of scholarships are permitted to work while they are in receipt of the scholarship. But the sum of gross earnings from paid work and each scholarship instalment may not exceed 1472 euros for students and 1838 euros for doctoral candidates.

Funding amounts, duration of funding

In general, scholarships of up to 500 euros per month are awarded for 3 to 4 months. The amounts granted and the periods for which they are granted depend on the level of funding that is available.

Award criteria

  • Outstanding commitment demonstrated in an international context at the University of Oldenburg
  • Letter of motivation
  • Academic achievement (appraised for students on the basis of credits/grades and for doctoral candidates on the basis of short reports)
  • Reference letter from referee

3. STIBET scholarships for the promotion of equal opportunities

For international students and doctoral candidates facing particular challenges in the course of their study programmes

(such as refugees, people with disabilities, people with chronic illnesses, people with particular care responsibilities towards children or people in need of nursing care).

Requirements: Who can receive support in the form of a STIBET scholarship for the promotion of equal opportunities?

  • International students and doctoral candidates enrolled at the University of Oldenburg (specifically, Bildungsausländer*innen, the international students who gained their matriculation qualification outside of Germany or at a bridging course for international students in Germany). International students with multiple citizenship are ineligible for STIBET funding if they hold German citizenship.
  • Particular challenges encountered during the degree programme
  • Good performance in degree programme/good progress with doctoral project
  • Residence permit valid for the purpose of studying for a degree or completing a doctorate. This usually means a permit granted pursuant to Section 16 Residence Act (AufenthG) for “residence for educational purposes”.

Recipients of scholarships are permitted to work while they are in receipt of the scholarship. But the sum of gross earnings from paid work and each scholarship instalment may not exceed 1472 euros for students and 1838 euros for doctoral candidates.

What count as a particular challenge encountered while completing a degree?

  • A refugee background
  • A mental and/or physical disability, including chronic illnesses
  • Particular responsibilities towards children or people in need of nursing care

Funding amounts, duration of funding

In general, scholarships of up to 500 euros per month are awarded for 3 to 4 months. The amounts granted and the periods for which they are granted depend on the level of funding that is available.

Recipients of scholarships are permitted to work while they are in receipt of the scholarship. But the sum of gross earnings from paid work and each scholarship instalment may not exceed 1472 euros for students and 1838 euros for doctoral candidates.

Award criteria

  • Letter of motivation including a description of the particular challenges encountered while working towards programme completion
  • Academic achievement (appraised for students on the basis of credits/grades and for doctoral candidates on the basis of short reports)
  • Reference letter from referee

Using funds provided by the Oscar Romero Foundation, the International Office awards an annual scholarship up to 1000 euros to international students and doctoral candidates at the University of Oldenburg who are in financial need.

Oscar Romero scholarship

Requirements: Who is eligible for the Oscar Romero scholarship?

  • International students and doctoral candidates enrolled at the University of Oldenburg (specifically, Bildungsausländer*innen, the international students who gained their matriculation qualification outside of Germany or at a bridging course for international students in Germany). International students with multiple citizenship are ineligible to apply if they hold German citizenship.
  • If applicable, a residence permit valid for the purpose of studying for a degree or completing a doctorate. This usually means a permit granted for “residence for educational purposes” pursuant to Section 16 Residence Act (AufenthG).
  • Financial need: Have you encountered exceptional hardship due to circumstances beyond your control?
  • Active involvement in society and/or in university politics is desired

Funding amounts, duration of funding

The scholarship covers the sum of up to 1000 euros. It is paid out in a maximum of two instalments of up to EUR 500 each.

Recipients of the scholarship are permitted to work while they are in receipt of the scholarship. But the sum of gross earnings from paid work and each scholarship instalment may not exceed 1472 euros for students and 1838 euros for doctoral candidates.

Award criteria

  • Financial need (bank statements or other evidence)
  • Personal situation (letter of motivation)
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Academic achievement (appraised for students on the basis of credits/grades and for doctoral candidates on the basis of short reports)
  • Desired: voluntary work

Application instructions and required documents

Step 1: Your application

Please combine the following documents in a consolidated PDF and send them to Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

  1. Completed pdf application cover sheet
  2. Letter of motivation (justification of the application, relevant information depending on the type of scholarship, e.g. topic of thesis project, volunteer commitment, description of obstacles or hardships, information on personal situation)
  3. Curriculum vitae
  4. Current academic record showing average grade (for students)
  5. Certificate of enrolment
  6. Copy of residence permit, if applicable
  7. If available: Evidence of voluntary work (brief confirmation of scope and duration)
  8. If additional paid work is being pursued: documentation of average monthly income
  9. Documents required, depending on which scholarship is being applied for

STIBET scholarships to aid degree programme completion:

  • Confirmation of thesis project registration with Examinations Office (for students; if already available), or notice of acceptance as a candidate by the doctorate committee (doctoral candidates)
  • If applicable, documentation and explanation of exceptional hardships resulting from circumstances beyond the applicant’s control Bank statements for the last three months, if married also details of family income and supporting documents, if relevant

STIBET scholarships for remarkable volunteer commitment

  • Description and documentation of commitment demonstrated in an international context at the University of Oldenburg

STIBET scholarships for the promotion of equal opportunities

  • Documentation of the particular challenges facing the applicant (degree of disability, medical certificates, birth certificate or other suitable documentation)

Oscar Romero scholarship

  • Proof of financial need: Bank statements for the previous three months, if married information on family income and supporting documents, if relevant


Step 2: Reference letter from supervisor by e-mail

In order to complete your application, we need a letter of reference from the supervisor of your thesis or doctorate or from a lecturer of your study programme. This reference letter must be sent by e-mail by the author to

The reference letter should answer the following questions:

  1. How would you judge the applicant's study performance so far?
  2. When is the applicant roughly going to finish his/her studies or doctorate and what results do you expect from the applicant?
  3. How would you describe the applicant's personality/situation?


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