Mathematische Modellierung der Entwicklung metabolischer Resistenzen
Orientierungsveranstaltung zum Master of Education
Vertiefungsmodule: Inhalte, Voraussetzungen, Vernetzungen
Lecture in the (hybrid) professional practice seminar by Prof. Dr h.c. Gerhard Stahl
You are the salt of the earth - possibilities of a stochastic Damascus event
Oberseminar Analysis/Numerik
Im Rahmen des Oberseminars Analysis/Numerik spricht: Dr. Michela Egidi (Universität Rostock)
Lecture: Prof Dr Dietmar Pfeifer
Generating unfavourable VaR scenarios under Solvency II with patchwork copulas
Lecture: PD Dr habil. Joachim Kerner
Recent results on spectral properties of quantum graphs and Archimedean tilings
Vortrag im Rahmen des ZeSOB-Kolloquiums
Post-selection inference in multiverse analysis
Lecture: Dr Kathrin Akinwunmi
Algebraic thinking in arithmetic lessons at primary level
Vortrag: Svetlana Gurevich
"Towards conservative solitons and reversibility in time delayed systems"
Master's Degree Module Numerics
Untersuchung und Implementierung des unzulässigen Pfadverfolgungsverfahrens für lineare Programme und Übertragung auf konvexe quadratische Programme
Lecture: Prof Dr Dietmar Pfeifer
Generating unfavourable VaR scenarios under Solvency II with patchwork copulas
Lecture: PD Dr habil. Joachim Kerner
Recent results on spectral properties of quantum graphs and Archimedean tilings
Vortrag im Rahmen des ZeSOB-Kolloquiums
Post-selection inference in multiverse analysis
Lecture: Dr Kathrin Akinwunmi
Algebraic thinking in arithmetic lessons at primary level
Vortrag: Svetlana Gurevich
"Towards conservative solitons and reversibility in time delayed systems"
Master Final Module Arithmetic Geometry
Isogeniebasierte Post-Quanten-Kryptografie
Lecture: Michael J. Jacobson Jr.
"Unconditional Class Group Computation and Applications"