Im Rahmen des Oberseminars Analysis/Numerik spricht
Herr Dr. Alexei Penskoi (Max-Planck-Institut in Bonn)
Isoperimetric inequalities for eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on surfaces
Insuring Model Uncertainty
Im Rahmen des Kolloquiums spricht
Herr Prof. Dr. Frank Riedel, Universität Bielefeld
Dynamic risk measures with stochastic interest rates
As part of the Master's final seminar Stochastics
Mrs Josephine Fandrich speaks
Im Rahmen des Oberseminars Analysis/Numerik spricht
Frau Dr. Shahnaz Farhat (Constructor University Bremen)
Donnerstag, den 11.04.2024, um 14.15 Uhr im Raum W01 0-006
High dimensional approximation – making life easy with kernels
Vortrag im Rahmen des Kolloquiums
Speaker: Herr Prof. Dr. Ian H. Sloan, University of New South Wales (Sydney)
„Auf der Suche nach Primzahlen: Über Pseudoprimzahlen zu Primzahltests“
Masterabschlussmodul Elementare Zahlentheorie und Geometrie
Herr Wolfgang Koch
International Day of Mathematics 2024
Lectures for the public on mathematics in the Smart House.
Lectures by Prof Peter Ruckdeschel and M.Sc. Álvaro Sánchez Hernández.
North German Algebraic Geometry Seminar
The Spring 2024 edition of NoGAGS is hosted by the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.
Groningen-Oldenburg Workshop on Topics from Algebraic Geometry, Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory
This is a joint, local workshop of groups at the universities of Groningen and Oldenburg.
Organisation: Florian Hess (Oldenburg), Jan Steffen Müller (Groningen).
Vortrag: Dirk Langemann
Mathematische Modellierung der Entwicklung metabolischer Resistenzen
Dynamic risk measures with stochastic interest rates
As part of the Master's final seminar Stochastics
Mrs Josephine Fandrich speaks
Im Rahmen des Oberseminars Analysis/Numerik spricht
Frau Dr. Shahnaz Farhat (Constructor University Bremen)
Donnerstag, den 11.04.2024, um 14.15 Uhr im Raum W01 0-006
High dimensional approximation – making life easy with kernels
Vortrag im Rahmen des Kolloquiums
Speaker: Herr Prof. Dr. Ian H. Sloan, University of New South Wales (Sydney)
„Auf der Suche nach Primzahlen: Über Pseudoprimzahlen zu Primzahltests“
Masterabschlussmodul Elementare Zahlentheorie und Geometrie
Herr Wolfgang Koch
International Day of Mathematics 2024
Lectures for the public on mathematics in the Smart House.
Lectures by Prof Peter Ruckdeschel and M.Sc. Álvaro Sánchez Hernández.
North German Algebraic Geometry Seminar
The Spring 2024 edition of NoGAGS is hosted by the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.
Groningen-Oldenburg Workshop on Topics from Algebraic Geometry, Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory
This is a joint, local workshop of groups at the universities of Groningen and Oldenburg.
Organisation: Florian Hess (Oldenburg), Jan Steffen Müller (Groningen).
Vortrag: Dirk Langemann
Mathematische Modellierung der Entwicklung metabolischer Resistenzen
Lecture in the (hybrid) professional practice seminar by Prof. Dr h.c. Gerhard Stahl
You are the salt of the earth - possibilities of a stochastic Damascus event
Lecture: Prof Dr Dietmar Pfeifer
Generating unfavourable VaR scenarios under Solvency II with patchwork copulas