
Technician (MRI)

Dr. Tina Schmitt

+49 (0)441 798-3671 (Office)

+49 (0)441 798-3131 (MRI)


Dr. Tina Schmitt

Curriculum Vitae

since 10/2016     

MR engineer, Neuroimaging Center, Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg


Scientific Coordinator Center for Cognitive Science, University of Kaiserslautern


Post-doctoral researcher, Cognitive and Developmental Psychology, University of Kaiserslautern


Dissertation: Reinforcement learning and the role of dopamine in the human auditory cortex. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christiane Thiel


Research scientist, Biological Psychology, Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg


Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering


Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering

10/2005-09/2010   Studies of Biomedical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Saarbrücken


Journal Articles

Quinones, J.F., Schmitt, T., Pavan, T., Hildebrandt, A. and Heep, A. (2024) Customization of neonatal functional magnetic resonance imaging: A preclinical phantom-based study. PLOS One,

Warneke, K., Keiner, M., Wohlann, T.,Lohmann, Lars H., Schmitt, T., Hillebrecht, M., Brinkmann, A., Hein, A., Wirth, K., and Schiemann, S (2023). Influence of long-lasting static stretching intervention on functional and morphological parameters in the plantar flexors: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 37(10):p 1993-2001, October 2023.

Niso, G., Botvinik-Nezer, R., Appelhoff, S., De La Vega, A., Esteban, O., Etzel, J. A., ... Schmitt, T., ... and Rieger, J. W. (2022). Open and reproducible neuroimaging: from study inception to publication. NeuroImage, 119623.

Schmitt, T. and Rieger, J.W. (2021). Recommendations of choice of head coil and prescan normalize filter depend on region of interest and task. Frontiers in Neuroscience. Brain Imaging Methods.

Ludowicy, P., Czernochowski, D., Weis, T., Haese, A. and Lachmann, T. (2019). Neural correlates of feedback processing during a sensory uncertain speech-nonspeech discrimination task. Biological Psychology, 114, 103-114

Weis, T., Theobald, S., Schmitt, A., van Leeuwen, C. and Lachmann, T. (2018). There's a SNARC in the size congruity task. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:1978

Weis, T., Nuerk, H.-C., and Lachmann, T. (2018). Attention allows the SNARC effect to operate on multiple number lines. Scientific Reports, 8:13778

Weis, T., Krick, C.M., Reith, W., and Lachmann, T. (2018). Is it still speech? Different processing strategies in learning to discriminate stimuli in the transition from speech to non-speech including feedback evaluation. Brain and Cognition, 125, 1-13

Weis, T., Estner, B., and Lachmann, T. (2016). When speech enhances SMARC: Joint spatial associations of pitch and timbre in nonmusicians. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(9),1687-1700.

Weis, T., Estner, B., van Leeuwen, C. and Lachmann, T. (2016). SNARC meets SPARC: Automaticity and interdependency in compatibility effects. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(7),1366-1383

Weis, T., Estner, B., Krick, C.M., Reith, W., and Lachmann, T. (2015). SNARC meets SPARC in fMRI - interdependence of compatibility effects depends on semantic content. Neuropsychologia, 77, 331-338

Puschmann, S., Weis, T., and Thiel, C.M. (2014). How dopamine shapes representations in auditory cortex. Actualidades en Psicologia, 28(117):67-78

Weis, T., Puschmann, S., Brechmann, A., and Thiel, C.M. (2013). Positive and negative reinforcement activate human auditory cortex, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7:842

Weis, T., Brechmann, A., Puschmann, S., and Thiel, C.M. (2013). Feedback that confirms reward expectation triggers auditory cortex activity. Journal of Neurophysiology, 110(8), 1860-1868

Weis, T., Puschmann, S., Brechmann, A., and Thiel, C.M. (2012). Effects of L-dopa during auditory instrumental learning in humans PloS ONE, 7(12):e52504


Lachmann, T., and Weis, T. (2018). Reading and dyslexia: From basic functions to higher order cognition. Literacy Studies, Volume 16. Cham, Schwitzerland: Springer

Lachmann, T., and Weis, T. (2018). Invariances in human information processing. Scientific Psycology Studies. New York: Routledge

Book chapter

van Leeuwen, C. , Weis, T., and Lachmann, T. (2018). Perceptual organization and visual target selection. In T. Lachmann & T. Weis (Eds.), Invariances in human information processing. New York: Routledge

Talks and Conferences

Weis, T. and Lachmann, T. (2016). Positive, negative and neutral feedback processing in speech-nonspeech discrimination task. 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig, Germany

Weis, T. and Lachmann, T. (2016). Positive, negative and neutral feedback processing in speech-nonspeech discrimination task. 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, Moscow, Russia

Weis, T., Estner, B., Krick, C.M., and Lachmann, T. (2016). SNARC meets SPARC in the MRI: Interdependence of compatibility effects depends on the semantic content. 58. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Heidelberg, Germany

Weis, T., Estner, B., van Leeuwen, C., Krick, C.M., Reith, W., and Lachmann, T. (2015). SNARC meets SPARC: Automaticity and interdependency in compatibility effects depend on the semantic content. In 11th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication. Number: Cognitive, Semantic and Crosslinguistic Approaches, Riga, Latvia

Weis, T., Estner, B., van Leeuwen, C., and Lachmann, T. (2015). SNARC meets SPARC: Automaticity and interdependency in compatibility effects. 57. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Hildesheim, Germany


Schmitt, T. and Rieger, J.W. (2021). Recommendations of choice of head coil and prescan normalize filter depend on region of interest and task. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, Vancouver, Canada

Weis, T. and Lachmann, T. (2016). Positive, negative and neutral feedback processing in speech-nonspeech discrimination task. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, page 62, Moscow, Russia

Haab, L., Busse, M., Mariam, M., Weis, T., and Strauss, D. J. (2011). Detection of a novelty event in the identification of faces in a passive VEP task. In Proceedings of the 5th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pages 679–682, Cancun, Mexico

Busse, M., Haab, L., Mariam, M., Krick, C., Weis, T., Reith, W., and Strauss, D. J. (2009). Assessment of aversive stimuli dependent attentional binding by the N170 VEP component. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, pages 3975–3978, Minneapolis, USA


Schmitt, T. and Rieger, J.W. (2021). Recommendations of choice of head coil and prescan normalize filter depend on region of interest and task. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, Vancouver, Canada

Weis, T. and Lachmann T. (2015) SNARC meets SPARC in the MRI: interdependence of compatibility effects depends on the semantic content. In Herbstkolloquium Kognitionspsychologie, Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Weis, T., Estner, B., and Lachmann, T. (2015) Speech matters: vocal sounds enhance the SMARC effect for non-speech sounds. In Reading in the Forest, Annweiler, Germany.

Weis, T., Estner, B., Krick, C.M. and T. Lachmann (2015). SNARC meets SPARC in the MRI: Interdependence of compatibility effects depends on the content. In Psychologie und Gehirn, Frankfurt, Germany

Weis, T., Estner, B., Krick, C.M., and Lachmann, T. (2015). SNARC meets SPARC in the MRI: Interdependence of compatibility effects depends on the content. In 57. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Hildesheim, Germany

Weis, T., Estner, B., Krick, C.M., van Leeuwen, C., and Lachmann, T. (2014). SNARC & SPARC in the auditory cortex: Evidence from behavioral and fMRI data. In Workshop Educational Neuroscience of Mathematics, Tübingen, Germany

Weis, T., Brechmann, A., Puschmann, S., and Thiel, C.M. (2014). Feedback that confirms reward expectation triggers auditory cortex activity. In 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany

Weis, T., Puschmann, S., Brechmann, A., and Thiel, C.M. (2012). Effects of L-dopa in an auditory operant conditioning task. In 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Peking, China

Research Grants

2015Are symmetry effects in letters and non-letter shapes reduced after auditory or visual training? TU Nachwuchsring Individual Funding10.000 €

Workshop Organisation

02.-03.11.2020 Open and reproducible neuroimaging: Integration of community developed tools from data acquisition to publication, Universität Oldenburg (Program)
26.-28.10.2015 International Workshop "Reading in the Forest", Center for Cognitive Science, Universität Kaiserslautern
02.-03.07.2015 International Symposium "New Stages in Information Processing Research", Center for Cognitive Science, Universität Kaiserslautern


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