
Prof. Dr. Martin Greschner
Internationalisation Representative of School VI

International team

Nina Löchte
International Affairs Advisor

Karine von Bochmann
International Affairs Coordinator 

International degree programmes and doctoral programmes

Model course in Human Medicine

The aim of the model course in Human Medicine, a joint initiative between the University of Oldenburg and the University of Groningen, is to explore new and cross-border approaches to medical training. From day one, students are taught not only the scientific fundamentals of the discipline but they also follow clinical modules. In addition, they follow modules that are specifically designed to help them improve their communication skills. They gain insights into and first-hand experience of medical practice e.g. by completing internships at general practitioners’ practices from the beginning of their studies. Students also have the option of spending at least one year in Groningen, which gives them the opportunity to learn about another European healthcare system.

Information about the model course in Human Medicine

Master's degree programme in Molecular Biomedicine 

The Master’s degree programme in Molecular Biomedicine, which is taught in English, connects the molecular life sciences with medicine by examining molecular and cellular aspects of biology with an emphasis on medical topics and questions. The research-oriented programme offers students a broad education and instruction in various methods and concepts, enabling them to independently carry out basic and clinical research in the field of molecular biomedicine.

Information about the Master's degree programme in Molecular Biomedicine

Master’s degree programme in Neurocognitive Psychology

The Master’s degree programme in Neurocognitive Psychology, which is taught in English, covers the key areas of psychology and offers an in-depth training programme in cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology. This degree programme is primarily research-oriented and gives students the opportunity to learn about the very latest techniques and issues in these fields. Students gain practical experience through various applied modules as well as by completing internships.

Information about the Master’s degree programme in Neurocognitive Psychology

Master’s degree programme in Neuroscience

The aim of the Master’s degree programme in Neuroscience, which is taught in English, is to offer an in-depth, research-oriented and internationally oriented training programme in neuroscience. This degree programme focuses on neurosensory science, which ties in with existing research collaborations and graduate programmes at the University of Oldenburg. These networks combine fundamental research in biology with clinical and applied research into sensory processes.

Information about the Master’s degree programme in Neuroscience

Doctoral programmes

As part of the OLTECH Graduate School, the School offers various structured doctoral programmes, which can be completed entirely in English.

You can find more information on the OLTECH website or on the websites of the various degree programmes:

Neurosensory Science and Systems

Molecular Basis of Sensory Biology

Oldenburg-Groningen Joint Graduate Research Training Group Translational Research

Applicants who are interested in doing a PhD but do not wish to do so as part of one of the structured programmes should contact the heads of the individual research groups and inquire about the possibility of doing an individual doctoral programme. You can find out more about the individual research groups on the department websites.

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