Scientific Coordinator

Project Researchers in Oldenburg

Deborah Rice

Katharina Zimmermann

Christina Siebolds

Cooperation Partners

Thierry Berthet, Centre Emile Durkheim, Bordeaux

Christina Garsten, Stockholm University

Paolo Graziano, Bocconi University, Milan

Sławomir Mandes, University of Warsaw

Ronald McQuaid, Edinburgh Napier University


LOCALISE - Local World of Social Cohesion

BildRadical changes in the local governance of social cohesion in many Member States of the European Union are the focus of LOCALISE's research on the organisational challenges of an integrated social and employment policy. How do different institutional contexts influence local worlds of social cohesion? How do local actors deal with the conflicts and dilemmas caused by integrated social cohesion policies? What impact do these policies have on social inequality and the conception of social citizenship? LOCALISE addresses these questions by integrating multiple disciplines, and partners from Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Sweden and the UK experienced in European and Social Policy research. A common theoretical and methodological approach guides the research in each work package.


From 2011 to 2014 LOCALISE is financed in the Seventh Research Framework of the European Commission (Grant agreement No. 26768; Project LOCALISE).

Project website

For further information on the project, please visit its website.

Comparative Reports

Report on WP2: European Comparision of the National Governance of Integrated Social Cohesion, by Thierry Berthet and Clara Bourgeois pdf

Report on WP3: Income inequalities in Europe, by Marin Heidenreich pdf

Report on WP4: The Local Governance of Social Cohesion in Europe: International Comparison, by Vanesa Fuertes and Ron McQuaid pdf

Report on WP5: The Local Usages of Europe, by Serida Catalano and Paolo Graziano pdf

Report on WP6: The Individualisation of Social Citizenship in Europe, by Christina Garsten and Kerstin Jacobsson pdf

Report on WP7: The Impact of an Integrated Approach to Social Cohesion, by Karolina Sztandar‐Sztanderska in cooperation with Sławomir Mandes pdf

Integrating Social and Employment Policies in Europe: Active Inclusion and Challenges for Local Welfare Governance

edited by Martin Heidenreich and Deborah Rice, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany.

Summary: A central goal of European activation policies is to integrate social and employment policies into a coherent active inclusion approach that fosters social cohesion and enhances the employment chances of vulnerable groups. This requires a reorganization of social and employment services especially at the local level. On the basis of empirical studies of six European welfare states, this book explores how different institutional contexts influence localized service delivery and how local actors deal with the associated coordination challenges.

www.e-elgar.com/shop/integrating-social-and-employment-policies-in-europe (up to 20% web discount)

Hardback 978 1 78347 491 2 
Elgaronline 978 1 78347 492 9 

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