
Group Leader

Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller


Group Members


Petra Rösner

W3 3-339

+49 441 798 3654

FAX: +49 441 798 3352


Adress and Direction

Postal address

Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Institute of Chemistry
Carl von Ossietzky Straße 9 - 11
D-26129 Oldenburg

Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller

Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller

Institute of Chemistry
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
Carl von Ossietzky-Straße 9 - 11
D-26129 Oldenburg

e-mail: thomas.mueller(at)

tel.: +49(441)798-3874
fax: +49(441)798 3352

room: W3 3-338

Curriculum Vitae

since April 2006

Professor for Main Group Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry
of the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

October 2005 - March 2006

Lecturer for Element Organic Chemistry, University of Rostock


Privatdozent at the Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry of the Goethe University Frankfurt

Habilitation in Chemistry 1996 - 2002

Humboldt University Berlin and Goethe University Frankfurt

Title: Experimental and theoretical studies on intramolecularly stabilized silylium ions and Theoretical studies on structure and reactivity of diaminosilylenes and disilenes

Postdoctoral Studies 1993 - 1996

with Prof. Y. Apeloig, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
- Computational Chemistry, Organosilicon Chemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry

with Prof. N. Auner, Humboldt Universität Berlin
- Organosilicon Chemistry

Ph.D. 1990 - 1993

with Prof. H.-U. Siehl, Eberhard Karls-Universität Tübingen,
- Physical Organic Chemistry, Carbocation Chemistry

Fellowships and Awards

1990 - 1992 Ph.D. Scholarship from the State Baden Württemberg ("Landesgraduiertenförderung")

1993 - 1995 Post Doctoral Scholarship MINERVA Foundation.

1995 - 1996 Research fellowship (German Israeli Foundation (GIF))

1996 - 1997 Liebig Scholarship (Fonds der Chemischen Industrie)

1997 - 1999 "DFG Habilitationsstipendium"

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