
Group Leader

Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller


Group Members


Petra Rösner

W3 3-339

+49 441 798 3654

FAX: +49 441 798 3352


Adress and Direction

Postal address

Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Institute of Chemistry
Carl von Ossietzky Straße 9 - 11
D-26129 Oldenburg

Inorganic Chemistry Analyzers

Magritek Spinsolve 60 (60 MHz Benchtop NMR Spectrometer)

Resolution: <0.5 Hz (50%) / <20 Hz (0.55%)
Sensitivity: 130:1 for 1% Ethyl benzene
3D PFG gradients optimized for gradient-enhanced methods
No cryogens
External hardware lock, with no need for deuterated solvents
WET solvent suppression 
Suitable for on-line reaction monitoring
Easy to operate

more information can be found on the NMR page


UV/VIS spectroscopy (photometry)


Double-beam photometer SPECORD® 200 PC (Analytik Jena)
Wavelength range: 190-1100 nm
Spectral resolution: 1; 2 and 4 nm
Software: WinASPECT

Infrared spectroscopy

Bruker Tensor 27 (with Quick Lock technology)
MIR beam splitter Spectral range: 7500 – 370 cm-1
KBr window, HeNe laser module
mainly operated with the Platinum-ATR-unit
OPUS/IR software package V. 6.5

EPR Spectroscopy


Magnettech ESR Spectrometer MiniScope MS300
Microwave power: 100 µW - 50mW
MW frequency: 9.30 – 9.55 GHz
B0-Field range: 0,05 – 0,45 Tesla
Field sweep: 0 – 0,4 Tesla

Hamamatsu LightningCure LC-8
Mercury xenon lamp: UV 250 nm wavelength band (spectral range approx. 240 - 400 nm)
The light intensity can be adjusted between 0 and 100 %
UV irradiance 4500 mW/cm2 (light intensity)

Temperature Controller TC H03
Dewar unit with resonator dewar and control unit
Nitrogen lifter with evaporator
Theoretically +200 °C to -170 °C possible

Gas chromatography (GC-FID)

Agilent GC 6890n PC with Flame Ionization Detector
Software: Chemstation Rev.B04.02 [96]
Column: DB-5 ([(5%-phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane]- (30 m long; 320 µm diameter (0.32 mm), 0.25 µm film thickness))
Carrier gas helium (other gases required: Hydrogen, synthetic air, nitrogen)

Gas chromatography (GC-MSD)

Agilent GC 7890B
Agilent 5977B GC/MSD (Mass selective EI detector with Electron impact ionization)
G4513A Autosampler
Control and analysis software: MassHunter (Version 10.0.368)
GC column: HP 5 MS ultra inert (30 m x 0.25 mm, layer thickness 0.25 µm)
Carrier gas helium

Various glove boxes - For working in oxygen-free and water-free environment



Vigor Glovebox (example)
Model: SG 1200/750TS-F



MBraun Glovebox (example)
Model: Unilab 3507-A

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