
Dr. Christian Lassen



Lassen, Christian. Camp Comforts: Reparative Gay Literature in Times of AIDS. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2011.

Book Chapters

Lassen, Christian. "Camp Conquests: Deconstructing the Sublime in The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert." The Dark Side of Camp Aesthetics: Queer Economies of Dirt, Dust and Patina. Eds. Ingrid Hotz-Davies, Franziska Bergmann, and Georg Vogt. New York and London: Routledge, 2018. 26-40.

---. "The Passion of Saint Kitten, or: Desperately Seeking Mitzi, the Phantom Lady. Camp Responses to Interpellation and Subjection in Neil Jordan's Breakfast on Pluto."  Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings. Eds. Katrin Röder and Ilse Wischer. Trier: WVT, 2013. 81-9.

---. "Sheep Thrills: Pastoral Camp in the AIDS Elegies of Alan Hollinghurst." New Versions of Pastoral. Eds. David James and Philip Tew. Madison and Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2009. 217-29.

Journal Articles

Lassen, Christian. "Camp Cures (the Stigma of Illness): Escaping the Tyranny of Caring, Charity and Positive Thinking in Adam Mars-Jones' 'Slim'." Forum: The University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts 4 (2007): n.p.

---. "'In the Dark Camp,' Or: Straight With a (Pastoral) Twist. American Western Masculinity in 'Brokeback Mountain.'"  Gender Forum: An Internet Journal for Gender Studies 16 (2006): 43-54. Article Link


Lassen, Christian. Rev. "Stephen M. Barber and David L. Clark, eds. Regarding Sedgwick: Essays on Queer Culture and Critical Theory." Gender Forum: An Internet Journal for Gender Studies 13 (2006): 120-2.

Conference Talks

Minds and Brains in Everyday Life: Embedding Scientific Concepts in Popular Discourses
Edinburgh, June 2016

"Beyond Deduction: Anticipation and Representation in Neo-Victorian Adaptations of Sherlock Holmes"
(with Kim Ole Henneke)

Anticipation in Cognitive Literary and Cultural Studies (Scientific Retreat)
Delmenhorst, October 2015
Conference Host

Movement Discourse: Historical and Contemporary Formations and Transformations
Oldenburg, July 2015

"Confronting Trauma through Activism: Reparative Engagement with Social Movements"
(with Birger Hansen)

Beyond Paranoia: Reparative Reading als neue Methode in den Geisteswissenschaften
Würzburg, September 2014
"Just a Spoonful of Queer: Paranoid and Reparative Uses of the Supernatural in Governess Tales: The Turn of the Screw and Mary Poppins."

Deutscher Anglistentag
Potsdam, September 2012

"The Passion of Saint Kitten, or: Desperately Seeking Mitzi, the Phantom Lady. Camp Responses to Interpellation and Subjection in Breakfast on Pluto."

Queer Spaces
Tübingen, May 2009
"I Spy With My Little Eye" (Response Talk)

Versions of Pastoral
Northampton, November 2005

"Pastoral Camp in the AIDS Elegies of Alan Hollinghurst"


"Camp verspottet Normen: Vortrag über eine freche, doch unbekannte Kunst"
taz: die tageszeitung, July 06, 2012

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