Exciting research insights in a relaxed atmosphere - that's what the series "Hirn vom Hahn - Wissen frisch gezapft!" offered: On Thursday the 28th of September scientists from Oldenburg's research landscape once again left their offices and laboratories and made their way to report about their projects in an understandable way in a total of seven Oldenburg pubs and bars. The events each began at 7.30 pm. After a first contribution, the second followed at each venue at 8.45 pm.
Interested participants could choose from a wide range of 14 topics: Pub guests learned, for example, how the famous TV doctor Dr. House swotted up on anatomy - and how medical students learn today; what "egg dance" political teachers try to do to teach their students balanced political judgement; or how to get the ocean floor to reveal the secrets from its past. The range of subject areas spanned from computer science, environmental science and engineering to special education, Protestant theology and didactics …
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