
Spiekeroog Coastal Observatory (SCO)

Thomas Badewien


Daniela Pieck

Visitors' address

ICBM-Center for Marine Sensors (ZfMarS)
Schleusenstraße 1
D-26382 Wilhelmshaven


The scientific articles listed here are an excerpt of the existing publications around the SCO and Spiekeroog.


Baschek, B; Schroeder, F; Brix, H; Riethmüller, R; Badewien, TH; Breitbach, G; Brügge, B; Colijn, F; Doerffer, R; Eschenbach, C; Friedrich, J; Fischer, P; Garthe, S; Horstmann, J; Krasemann, H; Metfies, K; Merckelbach, L; Ohle, N; Petersen, W; Pröfrock, D; Röttgers, R; Schlüter, M; Schulz, J; Schulz-Stellenfleth, J; Stanev, E; Staneva, J; Winter, C; Wirtz, K; Wollschläger, J; Zielinski, O; Ziemer, F (2017) The Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas (COSYNA). Ocean Science 13, 379-410, doi: 10.5194/os-13-379-2107.

Kohlmeier, C., Ebenhöh, W. (2007) Modelling the ecosystem dynamics and nutrient cycling of the Spiekeroog back barrier system with a coupled Euler-Lagrange model on the base of ERSEM. Ecological Modelling 202


Time-Series Station

Garaba, SP; Badewien, TH; Braun, A; Schulz, AC; Zielinski, O (2014) Using ocean colour remote sensing products to estimate turbidity at the Wadden Sea time series station Spiekeroog. Journal of the European Optical Society 9: 14020-1-14020-6.

Oehmcke, S; Zielinski, O; Kramer, O (2015) Event Detection in Marine Time Series Data. Proceedings of 38th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence KI 2015, September 21-25, 2015, Dresden, Germany. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24489-1_24.

Holinde, L; Badewien, TH; Freund, JA, Stanev, EV, Zielinski, O (2015) Processing of water level derived from water pressure data at the Time Series Station Spiekeroog. Earth System Science Data 7, 289-297; DOI 10.5194/essd-7-289-2015.

Schulz, AC; Badewien, TH; Garaba, SP; Zielinski, O (2016) Acoustic and optical methods to infer water transparency at Time Series Station Spiekeroog, Wadden Sea. Ocean Science 12, 1155-1163, 2016, doi: 10.5194/os-12-1155-2016.

Schulz, AC; Badewien, TH; Zielinski, O (2015) Impact of currents and turbulence on turbidity dynamics at the time series station Spiekeroog (Wadden sea, Southern North sea). Current, waves and turbulence measurement (CWTM), 11th IEEE/OES, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4799-8418-3; DOI 10.1109/CWTM.2015.7098095.

North Beach

Degenhardt J, Dlugosch L, Ahrens J, Beck M, Waska H, Engelen B (2020). Seasonal Dynamics of Microbial Diversity at a Sandy High Energy Beach Reveal a Resilient Core Community. Frontiers in Marine Science 7.

Waska, H; Greskowiak, J; Ahrens, J; Beck, M; Ahmerkamp, S; Böning, P; Brumsack, HJ; Degenhardt, J; Ehlert, C; Engelen, B; Grünenbaum, N; Holtappels, M; Pahnke, K; Marchant, HK; Massmann, G; Meier, D; Schnetger, B; Schwalfenberg, K; Simon, H; Vandieken, V; Zielinski, O; Dittmar, T (2019) Pore Water Chemistry in the Inter-Tidal Zone of a High Energy Beach. Frontiers Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00154.

Beck M, Reckhardt A, Amelsberg J, Bartholomä A, Brumsack H-J, Cypionka H, Dittmar T, Engelen B, Greskowiak J, Hillebrand H, Holtappels M, Neuholz R, Köster J, Kuypers MMM, Massmann G, Meier D, Niggemann J, Paffrath R, Pahnke K, Rovo S, Striebel M, Vandieken V, Wehrmann A, Zielinski O (2017) The drivers of biogeochemistry in beach ecosystems: A cross-shore transect from the dunes to the low-water line. Mar Chem 190, 35-50.

Groundwater Transect

Seibert SL, Holt T, Reckhardt A, Ahrens J, Beck M, Pollmann T, Giani L, Waska H, Böttcher ME, Greskowiak J, Massmann G (2018) Hydrochemical evolution of a freshwater lens below a barrier island (Spiekeroog, Germany): The role of carbonate mineral reactions, cation exchange and redox processes. Appl Geochem 92, 196-208.

Seibert, S.L., Greskowiak, J., Prommer, H., Böttcher, M.E., Massmann, G. (2019). Modeling of biogeochemical processes in a barrier island freshwater lens (Spiekeroog, Germany). Journal of Hydrology 575, 1133-1144

Seibert, S.L., Böttcher, M.E., Waska, H., Holt, T., Pollmann, T., Greskowiak, J., Massmann, G. (2021). Hydrogeochemistry of near-surface groundwater on a developing barrier island (Spiekeroog, Germany): The role of inundation, season and vegetation. Journal of Hydrology, 126139

Experimental Islands and Saltmarsh Enclosed Plots

Lõhmus, K. & Kleyer, M. (2019) Experimente im Wattenmeer vor Spiekeroog zur Erforschung der Besiedlung von Inseln durch Salzwiesenarten. Der Mellumrat e.V. - Natur- und Umweltschutz, 18, 28-34.

Zielinski, O; Meier, D; Löhmus, K; Balke, T; Kleyer, M; Hillebrand, H (2018) Environmental conditions of a salt-marsh biodiversity experiment on the island of Spiekeroog (Germany). Earth System Science Data 10(4): 1843-1858, doi: 10.5194/essd-10-1843-2018.

Scherber, C., Andert, H., Niedringhaus, R., Tscharnke, T. (2018): A barrier island perspective on species–area relationships. – Ecology and Evolution 8(24): 1-12. [pdf]


Coastal Ocean Darkening

Thewes, D., Stanev, E. V., Zielinski, O. (2020). Sensitivity of a 3D Shelf Sea Ecosystem Model to Parameterizations of the Underwater Light Field. Front. Mar. Sci. 6, 816.

Pitarch, J., van der Woerd, H. J., Brewin, R. J., & Zielinski, O. (2019). Optical properties of Forel-Ule water types deduced from 15 years of global satellite ocean color observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 231, 111249.

Wollschläger, J., Tietjen, B., Voß, D., Zielinski, O. (2020). An Empirically Derived Trimodal Parameterization of Underwater Light in Complex Coastal Waters – A Case Study in the North Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 7, 1–16.

Pitarch, J., Talone, M., Zibordi, G., Groetsch, P. (2020). Determination of the remote-sensing reflectance from above-water measurements with the “3C model”: a further assessment. Opt. Express 28, 15885.

Busch, JA; Bardaji, R; Ceccaroni, L; Friedrichs, A; Piera, J; Simon, C; Thijsse, P; Wernand M; vd Woerd, HJ; Zielinski, O (2016) Citizen bio-optical observations from coast- and ocean and their compatibility with ocean colour satellite measurements. Remote Sensing 2016, 8, 879, doi: 10.3390/rs8110879.


Meyerjürgens, J; Badewien, TH; Garaba, SP; Wolff, JO; Zielinski, O (2019) A state-of-the art compact surface drifter reveals pathways of floating marine litter in the German Bight. Frontiers Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00058.

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