Im Rahmen des Kolloquiums spricht
Herr Prof. Dr. Andreas Bernig (Uni Frankfurt)
Colloquium Instuctor
Prof. Dr. Gero Junike
Mathematics and Mathematics Didactics Colloquium
Hodge-Riemann relations for convex valuations
Norddeutsches Kolloquium 2024
The traditional colloquium, which takes place every year, offers a unique space for research groups from northern German universities to present their latest developments and findings in the field of applied analysis and numerical mathematics.
Patterns, interfaces and dynamics
Im Rahmen des Kolloquiums spricht
Herr Jens Rademacher (Universität Hamburg)
Insuring Model Uncertainty
Im Rahmen des Kolloquiums spricht
Herr Prof. Dr. Frank Riedel, Universität Bielefeld
High dimensional approximation – making life easy with kernels
Vortrag im Rahmen des Kolloquiums
Speaker: Herr Prof. Dr. Ian H. Sloan, University of New South Wales (Sydney)
Vortrag: Dirk Langemann
Mathematische Modellierung der Entwicklung metabolischer Resistenzen
Lecture: Prof Dr Dietmar Pfeifer
Generating unfavourable VaR scenarios under Solvency II with patchwork copulas
Lecture: PD Dr habil. Joachim Kerner
Recent results on spectral properties of quantum graphs and Archimedean tilings
Vortrag im Rahmen des ZeSOB-Kolloquiums
Post-selection inference in multiverse analysis
Lecture: Dr Kathrin Akinwunmi
Algebraic thinking in arithmetic lessons at primary level