The Sustainability Network of Universities in Lower Saxony (HochNiNa) was founded in 2018 in order to expand sustainability and climate protection at universities. It promotes exchange and cooperation between those responsible for sustainability at universities in Lower Saxony.
Since August 2023, HochNiNa has been coordinating the project COUNTS – Standardization, further development and communication of greenhouse gas balances of higher education institutions in Lower Saxony – which is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection with approximately 210,000 euros over three years. The project is managed by the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg on behalf of the network.
As part of the project, a common greenhouse gas balancing framework for higher education institutions in Lower Saxony will be developed that takes into account the specific circumstances and requirements of universities. On this basis, a freely accessible web-based balancing tool will be developed.
September 2023:
- Project presentation and virtual kick-off event with all universities involved in the project
April 2024:
- Successful completion of project phase 1 "Recording the current status" and handover of the results report
- Presentation of the key results of project phase 1 at the HochNiNa annual conference
- Interim project presentation with the participation of the Ministry of the Environment of Lower Saxony and the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony
June 2024:
- Kick-off workshop for project phase 2 "Accounting framework and information and accounting tool"
- Formation of the four thematic task forces "Basic balance sheet", "Business trips & semesters abroad", "Everyday mobility", "Procurement"
October 2024:
- Inclusion of Jade University and the University of Hildesheim Foundation as universities participating in the project
November 2024:
- Publication of the results report
- Task force workshop 1 at the University of Hildesheim Foundation
February 2025:
- Task force Workshop 2 at the University of Osnabrück
April 2025 (planned):
- Presentation of the task force results at the HochNiNa annual conference in Braunschweig
Many universities in Lower Saxony already promote a sustainable transformation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) of their institution. A GHG inventory and a transparent framework are important requirements to quantify GHG sources and to identify reduction potentials of the respective university as well as appropriate action.
Currently, the main challenges for universities are the effort required for the inventory, data availability, inconsistent balancing frameworks, and different assumptions and methods.
In order to develop solutions for this and to accelerate application-oriented climate protection at universities, the HochNiNa network is carrying out the COUNTS project (standardization, further development and communication of greenhouse gas balances at universities in Lower Saxony) on behalf of the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment (MU).