Judith Wehrend M.A.

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COUNTS - Standardization, further development and communication of greenhouse gas balances of higher education institutions in Lower Saxony

The Sustainability Network of Universities in Lower Saxony (HochNiNa) was founded in 2018 in order to expand sustainability and climate protection at universities. It promotes exchange and cooperation between those responsible for sustainability at universities in Lower Saxony.

Since August 2023, HochNiNa has been coordinating the project COUNTS – Standardization, further development and communication of greenhouse gas balances of higher education institutions in Lower Saxony – which is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection with approximately 210,000 euros over three years. The project is managed by the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg on behalf of the network.



As part of the project, a common greenhouse gas balancing framework for higher education institutions in Lower Saxony will be developed that takes into account the specific circumstances and requirements of universities. On this basis, a freely accessible web-based balancing tool will be developed.


September 2023:

April 2024:

  • Successful completion of project phase 1 "Recording the current status" and handover of the results report
  • Presentation and evaluation of the results at the HochNiNa annual conference
  • Interim project presentation with the participation of the Ministry of the Environment of Lower Saxony and the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony

June 2024:

  • Kick-off workshop for project phase 2 "Accounting framework and information and accounting tool"
  • Formation of the four thematic task forces "Basic balance sheet", "Business trips & semesters abroad", "Everyday mobility", "Procurement"

October 2024:

  • Inclusion of Jade University and the University of Hildesheim Foundation as universities participating in the project

November 2024:

February 2025 (planned):

  • Task force Workshop 2 at the University of Osnabrück

April 2025 (planned):

  • Presentation of the task force results at the HochNiNa annual conference in Braunschweig


Many universities in Lower Saxony already promote a sustainable transformation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) of their institution. A GHG inventory and a transparent framework are important requirements to quantify GHG sources and to identify reduction potentials of the respective university as well as appropriate action.

Currently, the main challenges for universities are the effort required for the inventory, data availability, inconsistent balancing frameworks, and different assumptions and methods.

In order to develop solutions for this and to accelerate application-oriented climate protection at universities, the HochNiNa network is carrying out the COUNTS project (standardization, further development and communication of greenhouse gas balances at universities in Lower Saxony) on behalf of the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment (MU).

Project profile


  1. Development and adoption of a uniform accounting framework based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) standard, including clarification of all areas relevant to Scope 3 and standardization of emission factors.
  2. Preparation of results / communication and exchange / development of information- and accounting tool
  3. Support in the application of the accounting framework and preparation of GHG balances
  4. Derivation of measures for GHG reduction

Project phases

Phase 1: Recording of the current status

Period: August 23 - January 24

First of all, the previous GHG balancing at higher education institutions (HEIs) of Lower Saxony is recorded and the current state is compared to the "Greenhouse Gas Protocol" standard. On the basis of this data, challenges in accounting will be identified and gaps made visible, especially with regard to Scope 3. Finally, this phase of the project will determine the emissions for Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 that the HEIs should take into account in the future.


In April 2024, the first project phase “Recording the current status” was successfully completed with a presentation and evaluation of the results at the HochNiNa annual conference, as well as the handover of the results report on the current status analysis to all universities involved in the project. The main contents of the results report are an overview of laws and regulations as well as standards and norms in the context of sustainability reporting and GHG accounting, the analysis of GHG accounting at universities in Lower Saxony and the resulting recommendations for GHG accounting at universities.

Phase 2: Accounting Framework & Information- and Accounting Tools

Period: February 24 - July 25

In the second phase of the project, a common accounting framework for HEIs in Lower Saxony will be developed which, in addition to identifying suitable emission factors for the respective emission sources, will also include standard values for certain HEI areas where the data basis does not exist or is difficult to access. The aim of these standard values is to reduce the accounting time and effort as well as the complexity in order to lessen the burden on the already overburdened capacities of the university administration and yet to approximately account for relevant emission sources. The resulting GHG balance standard will then be integrated as an information and accounting tool on the project website. The tool, programmed by an external service provider, offers the possibility to enter the values of the specific HEI and to get the resulting GHG emissions displayed in tabular and graphical form as well as to compare the GHG emissions of different HEIs.


In June 2024, the second project phase “Accounting framework and information- and accounting tool” was launched as part of an online project meeting. Four thematic task forces have been formed by the universities involved in the project:

  • task force 1: Basic balance sheet
  • task force 2: Commuter mobility
  • task force 3: Business trips and semesters abroad
  • task force 4: Procurement

The task of the task forces is to develop guidelines for data collection and evaluation of GHG emissions in an iterative process by April 2025. This includes the definition of a uniform balance sheet standard, the description of a uniform methodology even for challenging data, the specification of standard values in the case of non-existent or difficult-to-obtain data, the specification of suitable emission factors and the specification of suitable key figures for the relation of emissions (e.g. CO2e/university members)

In October 2024, two more universities, Jade University of Applied Sciences and the University of Hildesheim Foundation, were added to the project. This means that 12 of the 20 universities in Lower Saxony under state responsibility are now involved in the project.

Phase 3: Further development of the information and accounting tool

Period: August 25 - July 26

The accounting and information tool developed in the previous project phase will be continuously developed, adapted and updated in the final third project phase. For this purpose, information and advisory workshops on GHG balancing of universities in Lower Saxony will be offered, thus testing and optimizing the handling of the tool. Furthermore, measures will be derived that contribute to the achievement of climate neutrality of higher education institutions.


August 2023 - July 2026

Universities involved in the project

  • University of Oldenburg
  • Emden-Leer University of Applied Sciences
  • Leuphana University Lüneburg
  • Georg-August University Göttingen
  • TU Braunschweig
  • University of Osnabrück
  • Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences
  • Hannover University of Applied Sciences
  • TU Clausthal
  • University of Vechta
  • Jade University
  • University of Hildesheim

Project management

Anna Krämer, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (representing the HochNiNa network)

Project coordination & contact

Judith Wehrend, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

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