Torben Wendt

Dr. rer. nat., M. Sc.

Research Areas

  • Room acoustical simulation
Curriculum vitae

PhD student at the Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg;
Dissertation: "A Computationally Efficient and Perceptually Plausible Room Acoustics Simulation Method”


Master student of physics at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg;
Thesis: “Effiziente Synthese perzeptiv plausibler binauraler Raumimpulsantworten”


Bachelor student of physics at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg;
Thesis: “Einfluss von Modulationstiefe und Einhüllendenform auf die Wahrnehmung interauraler Zeitdifferenzen”


Diploma student of physics at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel


Abitur at Gesamtschule Faldera, Neumünster

Journal articles

  • Wendt, T., Ewert, S. D., van de Par, S. (2014) A Computationally-Efficient and Perceptually-Plausible Algorithm for Binaural Room Impulse Response Simulation. J. Audio Eng. Soc. 62 (11), 748–766.

  • Dietz, M., Wendt, T., Ewert, S. D., Laback, B., Hohmann, V. (2013) Comparing the effect of pause duration on threshold interaural time differences between exponential and spuared-sine envelopes. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133 (1), 1–4.

Conference proceedings / printed abstracts

  • Wendt, T., van de Par, S., Ewert, S. D. (2016) Perceptually plausible acoustics simulation of single and coupled rooms, 5th Joint Meeting ASA/ASJ Honolulu, USA, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), 3178–3178.

  • Wendt, T., van de Par, S., Ewert, S. D. (2016) Efficient synthesis of coupled-rooms BRIRs using image sources and feedback delay networks, DAGA 2016, Aachen, Germany.

  • Wendt, T., van de Par, S., Ewert, S. D. (2014) Perceptual and room acoustical evaluation of a computational efficient binaural room impulse response simulation method, EAA Joint Symposium on Auralization and Ambisonics, Berlin, Germany, 2014.

  • Grimm, G., Wendt, T., Hohmann, V., Ewert, S. D. (2014) Implementation and perceptual evaluation of a simulation method for coupled rooms in higher order ambisonics, EAA Joint Symposium on Auralization and Ambisonics, Berlin, Germany, 2014.

  • Wendt, T., van de Par, S., Ewert, S. D. (2014) Efficient synthesis of perceptually plausible binaural room impulse responses, DAGA 2014, Oldenburg, Germany.

  • Wendt, T., Dietz, M., Ewert, S. D., Laback, B., Hohmann, V. (2011) Einfluss von Modulationstiefe und Einhüllendenform auf die Wahrnehmung interauraler Zeitdifferenzen, DAGA 2011, Düsseldorf, Germany.



Winter term 2015/16

Supervising tutor of the Basic Laboratory in Physics

Summer term 2009

Teaching assistant in physics tutorial

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