Former research groups
Former research groups
- Research group Speech signal processing (12/2011-11/2015)
Leader: Junior Prof. Dr. Timo Gerkmann (now Professor for Signal Processing at Universität Hamburg)
- Research group Physiology and Modeling of Auditory Perception (09/2013-09/2016)
Leader: Junior Prof. Dr. Sarah Verhulst (now Associate Professor in Hearing Technology at the Ghent University)
- Research group Individualisation, Fitting and Evaluation (2013-07/2017)
Leader: Dr. Tobias Neher (now Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark)
- Research group Models for hearing devices (05/2013-03/2018)
Leader: Junior Prof. Dr. Tim Jürgens (now Professor for Auditory Signal Processing at FH Lübeck)
- Research group Speech Processing and Perception Modelling (until 03/2023)
Leader: Junior-Prof. Dr. Marc René Schädler (now Vibrosonic GmbH,