About us

About us

About Us

Since 2013 the "Kompetenzbereich Anrechnung" has been working on procedures and instruments to make education and training systems more flexible. Thereby we want to improve the possibility for learners to move easily between vocational training and university education. Two groundbreaking programs have enabled the establishment of the work area: the BMBF-initiative „Anrechnung beruflicher Kompetenzen auf Hochschulstudiengänge” (Recognition of Professional Competences at Higher Education Courses) and the model project „Offene Hochschule Niedersachsen“ (Open University of Lower Saxony) sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK).

Our tasks

  • Supporting students with the award of credits of vocational competences (PLAR-Service)
  • Developing procedures for the individual and general competence acquisition (including portfolio methods), which are applied both in the individual recognition of vocational skills as well as in the determination of entrance requirements for university degree programs (e.g. for refugees)
  • Initiating cooperations between vocational education programs and higher education institutions, in particular with the aim of creating permeable or interlinked educational offers
  • Supporting providers of adult education programs to improve the award of credit of their courses in degree programs


The procedures and instruments for the award of credit as well as the general recommendations of the “Kompetenzbereich Anrechnung” are used by universities throughout Germany. With a large number of publications and contributions to conferences, the “Kompetenzbereich Anrechnung” also takes part in the scientific debate on the issues of permeability and crediting.

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