
25. März 2014

impuls 46: “Level Assessments and Bilateral Comparisons in the European Health Care Sector” now available for free download

The final publication of the LEONARDO DA VINCI – Transfer of innovation – project CREDICARE is now available for free download. The CREDICARE project, which involved partners from Estonia, Finland, France, Germany and Ireland aimed at the transnational implementation and testing of a procedure for the description, level assessment and comparison of learning outcomes in the sector of health care and nursing. The free e-book includes the articles „Methodology of level assessments and bilateral comparisons “, written by Wolfgang Müskens and Anja Eilers-Schoof and “Level assessment and bilateral comparison of nursing qualifications on the basis of learning outcomes” by Wolfgang Wittig, Wolfgang Müskens, and Roland Tutschner. The “impuls” edition is edited by the national agency BIBB (National Agency “Education for Europe” at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Tasks).

Tuschner, R., Müskens, W. & Wittig, W. (Eds.) (2014). Level assessments and bilateral comparisons in the European health care sector. Bonn: NA BIBB.

18. Dezember 2013 „Level Assessments of Learning Outcomes in Health Care and Nursing“ now available for free download. This current research report released by the ITB (Institut Technik und Bildung) of the University of Bremen delivers the results of the project „Level Assessments of Learning Outcomes in Health Care and Nursing“. It includes the article „Application of the Modul Level Indicator (MLI) in the context of transnational comparisons of qualifications“, written by Wolfgang Müskens and Anja Eilers-Schoof on page 10-17. The research report has been published now and is available for free download. 

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