
Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl




ICBM-Center for Marine Sensors (ZfMarS)
Schleusenstr. 1
26382 Wilhelmshaven

Dr. Mariana Ribas-Ribas


ICBM-Center for Marine Sensors (ZfMarS)
Schleusenstr. 1
26382 Wilhelmshaven

Funded by the German Research Foundation

Project development

10. - 14.11.2024

A large devision of BASS members visited the SOLAS conference 2024 in India. Manuela van Pinxteren was invited to give a talk on „Oceans, aerosols, and clouds; An interplay in the climate system”. Christa Marandino co-hosted a session on SOLAS 3.0. 
Falko Schäfer, Josifine Karnatz, Dennis Booge, Ina Stoltenberg, Hendrik Feil and Theresa Barthelmeß presented posters. Falko even won the award for the best poster in the topic: „Air-sea interface and fluxes of mass and energy”.

07. - 11.10.2024

Claudia Thölen, Mike Novak, Jochen Wollschläger and Rüdiger Röttgers of BASS subproject 1.3 visited the Ocean Optics Conference in Gran Canaria, where Claudia and Mike had BASS related talks and Jochen and Rüdiger presented posters. 


Isha Athale visited the 19th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME19) with a poster presentation about diversity, activity and adaptations of the microbial community in the sea-surface microlayer of the North Sea.


BASS spokesperson Oliver Wurl participated in the „Hirn vom Hahn” ("brain from the tap") format in Oldenburg, where scientists are invited to share their science with the public in a comfortable pub setting.


RV Heincke and the BASS team are setting sails to start the big BASS campaign around Helgoland with two research vessels, RV Heincke and MS Fritz Reuter, both research catamarans HALOBATES and GLAUCUS A., research plane Jade One and drifting sensors. 


BASS goes KiWO! Lea, Falko, Shubham and Theresa were on board the Alkor for the Open Ship during the Kieler Woche representing the project and demonstrating SML sampling.


Carsten Rauch presented the BASS project during the „Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft” (Long night of science) at the botanical gardens in Wilhelmshaven.


We installed some new sensors on Glaucus Atlanticus and tested them multiple times at the Jade Bay in Wilhelmshaven before the BASS campaign in July.


 Where the ocean meets the sky... BASS joins the "Dicovery Days" of the ICBM in Oldenburg.


For a few days this month the BASS PhD students and their supervisors met in Oldenburg at a writing retreat for a deep dive into discussions and some time of focused paper writing.


18. - 23.02.2024

A part of the BASS team visited the Ocean Science Meeting in New Orleans, USA.


The BASS team conducted experiments in the Wind-Wave Tank of the University of Hamburg.


The BASS team met in the CAU Wissenschaftszentrum in Kiel for the annual meeting.


Testing the simultaneous operation of both catamarans HALOBATES and GLAUCUS ATLANTICUS in the port of Bremerhaven from onboard RV Heincke and the work boat. 


One of the first deployments of the new research catamaran GLAUCUS ATLANTICUS. GLAUCUS has an automatic water sampler, which can collect 24 discrete samples from the sea-surface microlayer and underlying water.

17. - 18.10.2023

The BASS team had a follow-up meeting – discussing prrliminary results of the mesocosm study in the spring and planning further joint experiments.


Jasper Zöbelein of SP 1.5 made third place in the ICYmare poster contest with his poster about the BASS mescosmn experiment.


During the mesocosm experiment, the BASS consortium used the chance of having most PhD and master students at Wilehlmshaven to have a workshop for networking for young researchers.

15.05. - 16.06.2023

The BASS team conducted a 5 week experiment in the Sea-Surface Facility at the Centre of Marine Sensors in Wilhelmshaven. 


BASS has a Scientific Advisory Board with Prof. Dr Heather Allen (The Ohio State University), Dr. Michale Cuncliffe (University of Plymouth and The Marine Biological Association UK) and Prof. Dr. Robert Upstill-Goddard (Newcastle University) as members. We welcome them to BASS and look forward to working with them.

07. - 09.02.2023

Graduate students met at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel for a training workshop on data analysis and management.

16. - 17.01.2023

BASS group met for a winter retreat at ICBM in Wilhelmshaven, and planned joint mesocosm and field studies 


The DFG Research Group BASS was presented in the 01/2023 issue of the Bunsen Magazine (

19. - 23.09.2022

The first field campaign of BASS was successfully completed off Helgoland Island in the German Bight within a joint campaign of research vessels „Senckenberg” and „Littorina” (Sept. 19-23, 2022). 

05. - 06.07.2022

BASS Kick-Off Meeting 5-6 July 2022 with visit of the University of Hamburg wind-wave tunnel.

Pressemittelung: Einblicke in die dünne Haut der Ozeane

11.05.2022: Erfolg für Oldenburger Umwelt- und Meeresforschung: DFG fördert neue Forschungsgruppe

Autonomous catamaran HALOBATES during checkout on the Jade Bay [YouTube-Video]. At present, German only

HALOBATES, the autonomous catamaran, in the field

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