Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl
University of Oldenburg

Dr. Riaz Bibi
University of Oldenburg
Project coodinator
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Coordination, Central Infrastructure

The Coordination Project SP0.1 will coordinate all joint activities and provide all the required infrastructure and technical support. Due to the complexity of the studies, the coordination project is a central point of contact for all participants and ensures the successful operation and completion of the joint activities. The coordination project will organize meetings, workshops, and training for planning joint activities, sharing data and knowledge, and fostering career development.

Joint activities will include a pilot (1 week) and main field campaign (3 weeks). It will further include a mesocosm study at the SURF facility and a pilot and first measurement campaign at the wind-wave tunnel in Hamburg. The coordination of BASS will play a central role in data management and will be responsible for establishing a database and quality control. Furthermore, the coordination project will ensure efficient communication of data and research outcomes to stakeholders and the public. The implementation of measures in career development and equal opportunities will be another core task of the coordination project.

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