Sebastian Wagner


Sebastian Wagner

Dr. Sebastian Wagner

Staff until 2013

Research interests

  • growth rates of tropical bryophytes
  • CO2-gas exchange rates of tropical bryophytes
  • modelling the carbon balances of tropical bryophytes
  • acclimatization potential for respiration and photosynthesis of tropical bryophytes under warmer conditions

Curriculum Vitae

2006-2007 biology diploma, University of Göttingen " Foliar nutrients of ecuadorian rain forest trees in dependence of various habitat parameters." Prof. C Leuschner

2007-2009 scientific researcher, University of Göttingen, working groups: Molecular and general physiology of plants & plant ecology and ecosystem research

2009-2013 PhD-thesis, DFG-Project "carbon balances of tropical epiphytes"


Wagner S, Bader MY & Zotz G. 2014. Physiological Ecology of Tropical Bryophytes. In: Hanson DT & Rice SK (Eds.), Photosynthesis of Bryophytes and Early Land Plants. Springer: 269-289.

Wagner S, Zotz G & Bader M. 2014. The temperature acclimation potential of tropical bryophytes. Plant Biology 16: 117-124. doi: 10.1111/plb.12037.

Wagner S, Zotz G, Salazar Allen N & Bader MY. 2013. Altitudinal changes in temperature responses of net photosynthesis and dark respiration in tropical bryophytes. Annals of Botany 111: 455-465.

Bader M, Reich T, Wagner S, González GS & Zotz G. 2013. Differences in desiccation tolerance do not explain altitudinal distribution patterns of tropical bryophytes. Journal of Bryology 35: 47-56.

Contributions to scientific congresses

Wagner S, Zotz G & Bader MY. 2012. The acclimation potential of tropical bryophytes to higher temperatures is very limited - implications for the response to global change. Talk at the 6th International Canopy Conference.

Wagner S, Zotz G & Bader MY. 2012. Do rising temperatures render tropical lowlands uninhabitable for bryophytes? Talk at the 6th Early Career Researcher Meeting of the Tropical Ecology Group, British Ecological Society.

Wagner S, Zotz G & Bader MY. 2011. Can climate change turn tropical rainforests into bryophyte deserts? Talk at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society (GfÖ), Oldenburg.

Reich T, Wagner S, González González AS, Zotz G & Bader MY. 2011. Desiccation tolerance of tropical bryophytes. Poster at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society (GfÖ), Oldenburg.

Wagner S, Zotz G & Bader MY. 2009. Global warming effects on tropical bryophytes. Talk at the Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, David, Panama.

Wagner S, Homeier J & Leuschner C. 2008. Foliar nutrients of Ecuadorian montane rainforest trees. Poster at the Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology.

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