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Using and producing audiovisual material

Using and producing audiovisual material

Multimedia Centre (Mediathek)

The BIS Multimedia Centre holds one of Germany's largest video collections of television recordings as well as a comprehensive range of records, CDs, DVDs and other "non-book" resources. The Multimedia Centre also has a classical celluloid collection that includes 770 films from the GDR film production company DEFA:

Media Technology and Production Services

The Media Service provides the multimedia infrastructure for the whole University and supervises the equipment in lecture halls and seminar rooms. Two studios and several editing stations for editing film and video are available for use by all University members to produce their own audiovisual material.


The BIS-Verlag is the Carl von Ossietzky University Press. It publishes monographs, publication series, conference volumes, exhibition catalogues and other publications by Oldenburg scholars.


Print Centre

The Print Centre provides University members with all the necessary services for producing printed matter (flyers, brochures, paperbacks, books).

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