
Your contacts at the University of Oldenburg Press:

University of Oldenburg Press

In 1974, the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg establishes its university press at the university library BIS; hence the original name BIS-Verlag. The university press publishes scientific and scholarly works authored by members of the university.

Today, the name is University of Oldenburg Press UOLP. Our publishing services will continue to comprise support for authors in preparing their manuscripts for publication (layout, printability), ISBN assignment, publication on the university’s online repository OOPS, as well as answering questions on copyrights and CC licensing.

The university press advocates and actively supports open access. All publications are available in gold open access on the Oldenburg Online Publication Server OOPS. Beginning March 31, 2024, UOLP will publish in the diamaond open access model, i.e. that neither authors nor readers will be charged any cost by UOLP.

Our Book Series

We are working on listing all titles in our book series on this page to offer you – in additon to the library catalog (ORBISplus) and our institutional repository OOPS – a direct link to our publications. We apologize that this list is nor yert complete, it is a work in progress.

Our Monographs

UOLP publishes monographs in almost all scientific and scholarly disciplines at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.

Document Templates for Authors

To format your texts for a publication find two MS Word document templates that you are free to use.

We are currently re-writing our How to Use the Template document.

New Publications

For a list of the new publications v. the German-language webpage.

[BIS intern]   BIS-Webmaster (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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