Innovative Lehr- und Lernkonzepte: Innovation plus


Faculty II - Informatics, Economy and Law 
Department Economy and Law 
Institut for business administration and business education

Postal address:
PO Box 5634
26046 Oldenburg

Package address:
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg

Visitor address:
Uhlhornsweg 49-55
26129 Oldenburg
Campus Haarentor
Building A5, 1. floor

Innovative Lehr- und Lernkonzepte: Innovation plus

Innovative teaching and learning concepts: Innovation plus

Particularly in German-speaking countries production management is traditionally, sometimes exclusively, taught with a focus on formal analytical methods. There is also a dominant quantitative-formal tradition in teaching logistics, as well as a minority of university lecturers who understand logistics as a (qualitative) corporate culture. In addition, there is a technically influenced school of logistics, teaching it as a flow of materials. The professionalising of procurement functions in companies started much later than the aforementioned functions, so that the mere fact of university teaching in purchasing and procurement can already be evaluated as innovative. However, it would be premature to speak of a tradition in teaching procurement science. In none of the three function has teaching been oriented towards empirical literature or research. Nevertheless, in formal analytical and empirical research there are at least some significant supply chain management schools, which, following the real economy, focus on the integration of the three functions of procurement, production and logistics.

Within the project, the abstract algorithms and concepts of the three name-giving components are not only taught in their idealized form, but are also considered in an empirical context. Therefore, based on the literature, case studies will be developed from business practice, which the students will work on independently in groups led by tutors. Focus of the tutorial is the self-depended work of the students. The aim of case study work is to reduce the degree of abstraction by including real cases in order to stimulate the students' interest and motivate them to actively participate. Moreover, students get to know the exiting complexity of the subject much better than before. Based on the constructivist theory of learning, case study work will increase the competence level of students by working independently and furthermore case study work helps to practice and reflect concepts of the lecture more easily.

Im Rahmen des Projektes werden die abstrakten Algorithmen und Konzepte der drei namensgebenden Bestandteile nicht nur in ihrer idealisierten Reinform gelehrt, sondern im realen empirischen Kontext betrachtet. Dabei sollen auf Basis der Literatur Fallstudien aus der Unternehmenspraxis entwickelt werden, welche die Studierenden in durch die Tutorinnen und Tutoren angeleiteten Gruppen eigenständig bearbeiten sollen. Durch die Orientierung an realen Fallbeispielen soll der Abstraktionsgrad sinken, um das Interesse der Studierenden anzuregen und sie zur aktiven Mitarbeit zu motivieren. Die Fallstudienbearbeitung erlaubt es den Studierenden außerdem, die vorhandene Komplexität des Gegenstands viel besser als bisher zu würdigen. Durch die eigenständige Bearbeitung sollen die Studierenden erfahrungsbasiert Handlungskompetenz aufbauen sowie die in der Vorlesung diskutierten Konzepte gleichzeitig einüben und kritisch reflektieren.

Leitung: Prof. Dr. Christian Busse

Mitarbeiterin: Sina Duensing, M.A.

Tutor*innen: Auswahlprozess noch nicht gestartet

Fördermittelgeber: Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur

Förderprogramm: „Innovative Lehr- und Lernkonzepte: Innovation Plus“  

Laufzeit: 01.10.2019 bis 30.09.2020

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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