
Scientific coordinator of the CBI in the Dutch side

Dr. Adriana Pérez Fortis

Scientific coordinator of the CBI in the German side (interim)

Stephanie Lenger

Meet-up: Towards INTERREG VI

The Cross-border Institute of Healthcare Systems and Prevention (CBI) and the Grant Support Hub of the UMCG invites researchers, healthcare professionals, health authorities and health-related companies in the Northern Dutch-German border region to the meet-up:

Towards INTERREG VI: Funding opportunities to tackle health challenges in the Northern Dutch-German border region,

taking place on 9 September 2021: 9:20 -12:30 online.

See the event goals and preliminary programme below.


Event goals

- Informing you on the funding possibilities for health-related projects under INTERREG VI Deutschland-Nederland,

- Having an open discussion with you on the main health challenges in the region.

- Brainstorming on initiatives, programs, interventions and breakthrough ideas that might tackle the health challenges in our region.


Preliminary program




Funding possibilities within INTERREG VI DE-NL


Cross-border infrastructure in health between UG/UMCG-UOL

Example of a project from INTERREG V DE-NL


The health landscape in the Northern Dutch-German border region.




Interactive matchmaking activity for brainstorming organized in breakout rooms.




3-minutes pitches from each breakout room


Closing words

Topics for the interactive matchmaking
to brainstorm on initiatives for health challenges in our region

Topic 1: Meeting care needs (e.g. developing needs-based care in rural areas, home care).

Topic 2: Ensuring equal and faster access to healthcare through infrastructure development, including primary care, and promoting the transition from institutional to family and community care.

Topic 3: Lifestyle (e.g. prevention of conditions such as obesity and diabetes, lifestyle-related disorders which pose a threat to public health)

Topic 4: Strengthening the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs, including through productive investments.

Topic 5: Developing and strengthening research and innovation capacity and the introduction of advanced technologies (e.g. artificial Intelligence, remote care, gene technology, e-health etc.)

Topic 6: Cross-border actions in the areas of accessibility, efficiency, innovative healthcare, prevention (other than lifestyle) and quality assurance of health systems.


We hope to see you online on the 9th of September!

With best regards,
The organizing team.


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