Meet-up: Towards INTERREG VI
The Cross-border Institute of Healthcare Systems and Prevention (CBI) and the Grant Support Hub of the UMCG invites researchers, healthcare professionals, health authorities and health-related companies in the Northern Dutch-German border region to the meet-up:
Towards INTERREG VI: Funding opportunities to tackle health challenges in the Northern Dutch-German border region,
taking place on 9 September 2021: 9:20 -12:30 online.
See the event goals and preliminary programme below.
Event goals
- Informing you on the funding possibilities for health-related projects under INTERREG VI Deutschland-Nederland,
- Having an open discussion with you on the main health challenges in the region.
- Brainstorming on initiatives, programs, interventions and breakthrough ideas that might tackle the health challenges in our region.
Preliminary program
9.20 | Welcome |
9.35 | Funding possibilities within INTERREG VI DE-NL |
9.50 | Cross-border infrastructure in health between UG/UMCG-UOLExample of a project from INTERREG V DE-NL |
10.10 | The health landscape in the Northern Dutch-German border region. |
10.40 | BREAK |
10.50 | Interactive matchmaking activity for brainstorming organized in breakout rooms. |
11.50 | BREAK |
12.00 | 3-minutes pitches from each breakout room |
12.30 | Closing words |
Topics for the interactive matchmaking
to brainstorm on initiatives for health challenges in our region
Topic 1: Meeting care needs (e.g. developing needs-based care in rural areas, home care).
Topic 2: Ensuring equal and faster access to healthcare through infrastructure development, including primary care, and promoting the transition from institutional to family and community care.
Topic 3: Lifestyle (e.g. prevention of conditions such as obesity and diabetes, lifestyle-related disorders which pose a threat to public health)
Topic 4: Strengthening the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs, including through productive investments.
Topic 5: Developing and strengthening research and innovation capacity and the introduction of advanced technologies (e.g. artificial Intelligence, remote care, gene technology, e-health etc.)
Topic 6: Cross-border actions in the areas of accessibility, efficiency, innovative healthcare, prevention (other than lifestyle) and quality assurance of health systems.