
Group Leader

Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller


Group Members


Petra Rösner

W3 3-339

+49 441 798 3654

FAX: +49 441 798 3352


Adress and Direction

Postal address

Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Institute of Chemistry
Carl von Ossietzky Straße 9 - 11
D-26129 Oldenburg

Dr. Lukas Bührmann

Institute of Chemistry
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
Carl von Ossietzky-Straße 9 - 11
D-26129 Oldenburg

e-mail: lukas.buehrmann(at)

tel.: +49(441)798-3682

room: W3 3-315

Research area

Niedrigkoordinierte Germaniumverbindungen zwischen zweidimensionalen Cyclen und dreidimensionalen Clustern


July 2020 - September 2024
Ph.D. Chemistry: “Niedrigkoordinierte Germaniumverbindungen zwischen zweidimensionalen Cyclen und dreidimensionalen Clustern
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Institute of Chemistry
Working group of Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller

May – July 2022
Research stay at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom in the research group of Dr. Catherine Weetman

June 2020
M.Sc. Chemistry: "Reaktionen von Sila- und Germacyclopentadiendiiden mit Bor(III)- und Aluminium(III)halogeniden"

September 2017
B.Sc. Chemistry: "Untersuchungen zur Umsetzung von 6-Fluor-5-dimethylsilylacenaphthen mit Lewis-Säuren"



4. L. Bührmann, L. Albers, M. Beuße, M. Schmidtmann, T. Müller
Aluminagerma[5]pyramidanes Formation and Skeletal Rearrangement 
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202401467.
Aluminagerma[5]pyramidane Bildung und Gerüstumlagerung
Angew. Chem. Ed. 2024, e202401467.

3. N. Geibel, L. Bührmann, L. Albers, M. Schmidtmann, A. Weiz, T. Müller
Germaaluminocenes – Masked Heterofulvenes
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202403652.
Germaaluminocene – Maskierte Heterofulvene
Angew. Chem. Ed. 2024, e202403652.

2. H. H. Cramer, L. Bührmann, M. Schmidtmann, T. Müller
A phenyl-substituted germole dianion and its reaction with hafnocene dichloride
Mendeleev Commun., 2022, 32, 46–48.

1. A. Merk, L. Bührmann, N. Kordts, K. Görtemaker, M. Schmidtmann, T. Müller
Intramolecular Halo Stabilization of Silyl Cations – Silylated Halonium- and Bis-Halo Substituted Siliconium Borates
Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 3496–3503.


1.  L. Bührmann, M. Beuße, M. Schmidtmann, T. Müller
Group 13 Heterole Complexes of Si(II) and Ge(II) vs. Ditrielanylsiloles and -germoles: Sila- and Germacyclopentadienediides and their Reaction with Group 13 Halides
51st North American Silicon Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, March 2022


2. Lukas Bührmann, Thomas Müller
Reactivity of Germacyclopentadienediides towards Group 13 Halides: From Trielole Complexes of Ge(II) to Germole Complexes of E13 
23. Norddeutsches Doktorandenkolloquium (NDDK 2023), Berlin, Germany, October 2023

1. L. Bührmann, M. Beuße, M. Schmidtmann, T. Müller
Sila- and Germacyclopentadienediides and their Reation with Group 13 Halides
29th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2022

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