(Inter-)National Networks

forschen@studium is involved in various networks in the field of research-based learning. In Germany, the forschen@studium team is part of the dghd AG Forschendes Lernen. Internationally, UOL cooperates with the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR, USA), the British Conference on Undergraduate Research (BCUR) and the Australasian Council on Undergraduate Research (ACUR) and is part of the project DigiUR.

A European Network for Digital Undergraduate Research (digiUR) – This Strategic Partnership (Erasmus+)

This Strategic Partnership (Erasmus+) includes five European universities and two associated organizations. With the focus on both innovative practices in the digital era and the ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic, the common goal is to advance digital undergraduate research in Europe. In the long term, we aim to strengthen the undergraduate research network in Europe and improve its global integration. 

To learn more, visit the digiUR website.

Project partners

  • Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Koordination im Referat Studium und Lehre, Entwicklung Online-Modul im Center für lebenslanges Lernen (C3L)
  • Université de Paris, with the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity (CRI)
  • Universität Wien, with the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
  • LCC International University (Klaipéda, Litauen)
  • University of Warwick (UK) 

Associated Organizations 

  • PH Luzern  
  • US Council on Undergraduate Research

dghd AG Forschendes Lernen

Working Group Research Based Learning within the dghd

At the yearly dghd conference in 2014, fourteen affiliates of ongoing programs and projects – including representatives of the University of Oldenburg – founded AG Forschendes Lernen (Working Group Research-Based Learning, information is available only in German). Working group’s core activities are conferences and workshops, as well further work in smaller groups focusing on specific topics.

International Cooperation

On an international level, the University of Oldenburg cooperates with the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR, USA), the British Conference on Undergraduate Research (BCUR) and the Australasian Council on Undergraduate Research (ACUR).

In 2019, the University of Oldenburg organized second World Congress on Undergraduate Research (WorldCUR) and supports the organization of the third WorldCUR in Warwick in 2023.

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