Posters in Brussels

Undergraduate Research, Science Communication and Civic Engagement

Posters in Brussels is an Erasmus+ project connecting European Bachelor students with political decision makers. The goal is to give students the chance to present their research ideas and findings in all academic fields through scientific poster presentations – both on a national level in the national Parliaments and on a European level in the European Parliament in Brussels. This will create and expand European networks of Undergraduate Research on an institutional and individual level. 

National Posters in Parliament and Posters in Brussels

Bachelor students of the consortium countries have the great possibility to bring their research to where their national decision makers meet – to their respective national parliament. These five Posters in Parliament presentations in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania and Luxemburg are scheduled for fall 2025.

Learning and expanding from the national level, the project culminates in the Europe-wide poster presentation in the European Parliament in Brussels in the fall of 2026.

What is the added value for student participants?

European Bachelor students at this first qualification level

  • are supported by a mentor in their research work
  • will learn and train how to present their research interests to a number of different groups (political decision makers, funding and science organisations, media channels and a broader audience interested in science)
  • get to travel to their national Parliament or to Brussels and get entry to the European Parliament
    meet politicians directly
  • can make use of existing networks and create their own

The students’ universities can be part of a growing and vibrant community of institutions dedicated to invest their expertise into the field of Undergraduate Research and use the exchange platform to connect within the European UR network. 

Assessment and Evaluation

The project’s impact will be evaluated in an accompanying study.

All events will be evaluated taking into account the priorities of the Erasmus plus program (inclusive, digital, green and participatory). The project is linked to an academic project for better assessment of undergraduate research (e.g. capturing civic engagement through undergraduate research).

Project period: 11/2024-12/2026

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research (UR) in the sense of the project is mentored research at the first level of university education in all disciplines. Included in the project is student training (through webinars and in person) and a “mentoring of the mentors” (webinars, How-to-guides) for all participating students / teams. Mentors are usually members of the respective university departments who coach the students through the research process and who ideally will be present at the poster presentation.

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