Looking Back: FLiF und FoL Projects
Looking Back: FLiF und FoL Projects
The starting point for anchoring research-based learning at the University of Oldenburg’s teaching approach were two university-wide projects focusing on teaching and learning: FLiF+ (Forschungbasiertes Lernen im Fokus Plus, Research-Based Learning in Focus Plus) and FoL+ (Forschungsorientierte Lehre plus, Research-Oriented Teaching Plus). The two projects ran between 2011-2021.
The FLiF+ Project – Research-Based Learning in Focus Plus (2011-2021)
The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, as part of the joint effort by the states and federal government for better studying conditions and higher standards in teaching – Quality Pact for Teaching (Qualitätspakt Lehre). Funds granted through this program – amounting to over €12 milion by 2021 – were the foundation for the comprehensive implementation of research-based teaching and learning at the University of Oldenburg.
In this context, research-based teaching and learning designated the process in which research questions are developed and addressed by students themselves. The goal of independently designed research projects was to familiarize students with academic practices and active use of appropriate methodology as well as with comprehensible documentation and evaluation of research processes and their findings through critical reflection.
Quality assurance in the FLiF+ project
Having each student complete an entire research cycle at least once apart from the final thesis – this is the goal that the University of Oldenburg pursues with its teaching approach forschen@studium.
To achieve this, the FLiF+ project Quality Assurance was tasked with long-term implementation of research-based teaching in university-wide but also school-specific processes, procedures and mechanisms.
In terms of development, quality assurance operated on several levels.
Quality assurance in classes:
- Workshops on teaching in higher education for instructors
- Course evaluation with questions about research-based learning
- Gathering reports on courses involving research-based learning for a compilation of good-practice examples and for other purposes
Quality assurance in degree programs:
- Identifying research-based courses by analyzing module descriptions.
Quality assurance in projects
- External monitoring of the project by the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency – Zentrale Evaluations- und Akkreditierungsagentur (ZEvA)
- Regular reports submitted to project leaders and funders
- Regular progress reports and controlling compliance with project goals
Lower Saxony initiative for quality in teaching
The projects funded through Quality Pact for Teaching by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research organized into a network in Lower Saxony. The network met regularly. Represented through the FLiF+ project, the University of Oldenburg was part of this network from the very beginning and hosted the network meeting in February 2018.
The FoL+ Project – Research-Oriented Teaching Plus (2011-2019)
The FoL+ project was funded by the university. In addition to classes in research-based learning format, the project focused on research. Early career researchers were encouraged to integrate their own research into teaching and enable students to take part in current research.
The staff associated with the two projects developed research-based learning formats and actively worked on implementing forschen@studium principles into study programmes across all schools at the University. This process wss supported by joint networking activities and various forms of exchange.
FLiF+ und FoL+ project management and principal team
The FLiF+ and FoL+ projects were carried out by staff from all six schools. The Vice President for Instruction and International Affairs and the Department for Study Affairs were responsible for project management and coordination.
Project management and central team (Department for Study Affairs)
Project Manager
Admin. management and project coordination
Designing research-based teaching
Student research
Monitoring and evaluation
Student assistants