Michel Hackbarth


Michel Hackbarth

V04-113 (» Adress and map)

+49 441 798-4699  (F&P

Michel Hackbarth

Research assistant

PhD studend



Stuckenschneider, T., Koschate, J., Dunker, E. et al. Sentinel fall presenting to the emergency department (SeFallED) - protocol of a complex study including long-term observation of functional trajectories after a fall, exploration of specific fall risk factors, and patients' views on falls prevention. BMC Geriatr 22, 594 (2022) . https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-022-03261-7


Ferger, K., Hackbarth, M., Mylo, M. D., Müller, C. & Zentgraf, K. (2019). Measuring temporal and spatial accuracy in trampolining.. Sports Engineering, 22 (3-4), 18. DOI: 10.1007/s12283-019-0310-9



Ferger K, & Hackbarth M, (2017) New way of determining horizontal displacement in competitive trampolining. Sci Gymnastics J. 9(2):303-310.



Lenk C, Hackbarth M, Mylo M, Wiegand J, and Ferger K (2016) Evaluation of a measurement system for determining flight times in trampoline sports. In: Wiemeyer J, Seyfarth A, Kollegger G et al. (ed) Human Movement and Technology: Book of abstracts - 11th Joint Conference on Motor Control & Learning, Biomechanics & Training, Volume 1. Shaker Verlag GmbH, Aachen.

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