

Prof. Dr. med. Tania Zieschang

+49 (0)441 798-4644


Postal address

Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg Faculty VI - Medicine and Health Sciences Department of Geriatrics Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118 26129 Oldenburg

Visiting address

Campus Haarentor, Building V04 Ammerländer Heerstr. 140 26129 Oldenburg


University medicine dedicated to vulnerable groups

Children born at risk, patients suffering from cancer and elderly people - they all belong to groups with special medical needs and will therefore be the focus of researchers at the University Medical Center Oldenburg (UMO) in the coming years. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with almost 8 million euros, as part of the "Intersectoral Care for Vulnerable Groups(INGVER)" project, they are researching approaches that can be used to improve healthcare for these patients in particular.

You can find the full article here.


German Congress for Health Services Research

The 23rd German Congress for Health Services Research(DKVF) took place from September 25-27 in Potsdam under the motto "Implementation knowledge creates innovative care". This year's event once again showed that results from health services research can influence health policy decisions and thus improve care.

The Department of Health Services Research at Oldenburg University Hospital was represented in Potsdamwith a large team of over 30 participants, including students from the Oldenburg Master's degree program in Health Services Research. Members of the department presented 8 poster contributions and 14 lectures - with a wide range of content and methods. Sandra Lau from the Department of Geriatrics took first place in the Science Slam with her contribution on decision-making processes and patient participation in the prescription of rollators. In addition, PD Dr. Anna Levke Brütt from the Junior Research Group Rehabilitation Research and Dr. Milena von Kutzleben from the Department of Prevention and Rehabilitation Research were newly elected to the board of the German Network for Health Services Research(DNVF).

Sandra Lau wins the Science Slam!
Congratulations to her!


BUKO in Regensburg 2024

The 12th Federal Congress of the Federal Association of Study Assistants in Clinical Research ( BUKO ) took place in Regensburg from September 26-27.
Our study assistants Ute von Varel and Imke de Jonge took part again this year. Among other things, presentations were given on networking, patient communication and study management.

There was a lively exchange on daily work with other working groups at the dinner on the Danube.

We look forward to participating again next year.


Presentation of the results of the CareFall study

On 23.09.24 the presentation of the results took place for the participants of the CareFall study took place.

A total of 105 people took part in the study, in which the potential connection between individual stamina and the risk of falling was investigated. For this purpose, the study participants were invited to our gait laboratory on the Haarentor campus of the University of Oldenburg on three dates. On the first appointment, individual endurance capacity was determined using spiroergometry. In two further sessions, the participants were disturbed in their gait on the perturbation treadmill under safe conditions, with and without prior moderate physical exertion. The participants were then questioned every month for 12 months about any falls they may have had.

In various presentations, the doctoral students in the project presented their results to the audience. Arber Gashi gave an interesting presentation on the topic of "CareFall - risk of falling after physical exertion?"

Kyra Woitzik was connected digitally from Berlin and reported on her results with the presentation "Changes in the gait pattern of people with and without a history of falls under moderate stress".

Katharina Bußhoff gave her presentation on "The influence of everyday activities on heart rate regulation in older adults".

Joon Kampfer was a little more technical, evaluating the data from the activPal sensors and presenting the results in his presentation "Step frequencies during the day and at night: Does going to the bathroom tell us who will fall next?"

Finally, Imke de Jonge, study assistant in the geriatrics department, reported on the results of the monthly fall calls with the presentation "Hello, this is the monthly fall call. How many people fell in a year and how?"

In our eyes, the CareFall study's volunteer day was a very successful event and we are very happy to have such great volunteers.


DGG & DGGG Annual Congress 2024

From September 11 to 14, 2024, the joint annual congress of the German Geriatrics Society (DGG) and the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics (DGGG) took place in Kassel. We three doctoral students from the Department of Geriatrics had the opportunity to take part in this exciting event and present our doctoral projects to a large specialist audience.

On the first day of the congress, Svea gave her presentation in the "Pharmacology/Age-related fracture" session entitled "Relationships between polypharmacy, FRIDs and fall events - preliminary data from the SeFallED study". She presented interesting results on interactions between medication and the risk of falls in older patients and received a lot of constructive feedback.

On September 12, Greta presented the first results of her project in the session "Mobility and emergency" with her presentation "With a fall in the emergency room: What do patients say, what do GPs know?". Her presentation was also very well received by the audience.

Miriam's presentation on "CAM made simple: CAM-OL developed interprofessionally for the emergency department - use on the ward compared to Nu-DESC" took place on the last day of the congress as part of the symposium "Delirium in the emergency department". The subsequent discussion resulted in some new ideas that she can use for her future work.

Attending the congress was a great experience for all of us. The direct insight into current research and the exchange with experts showed us how lively and relevant geriatrics research is. The consistently positive feedback on our projects motivates us to continue playing an active role in the scientific community.

A big thank you goes to the Young Geriatrics Association, which enabled us to attend the congress free of charge as student members. We would also like to thank our doctoral supervisor Ms. Tania Zieschang for her support on site. We are also grateful to the Department of Geriatrics, which helped us with our travel and accommodation costs.

In addition to the intensive discussions, there was no shortage of fun. The congress offered many opportunities to make new contacts and exchange information on the latest developments in geriatrics in a relaxed atmosphere.

We would like to thank the DGG, DGGG and everyone involved for this great opportunity and are already looking forward to the next congresses!



Svea, Greta & Miriam


The 20th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS) took place in Valencia from September 18 - 20. Prof. Dr. Tania Zieschang, Dr. Tim Stuckenschneider and Svea Wilkens took part from Oldenburg. The motto of this year's congress was "From Healthy Ageing to Complex Needs in Older Adults" and offered an interesting program, which also included contributions from Oldenburg.

Svea Wilkens presented the preliminary results of her doctorate on the basis of a poster and discussed them with international experts. Tim Stuckenschneider also explained the planned iSeFallED study with a poster and received valuable feedback on the planned implementation. He also presented the initial results of the SeFallED study in a fifteen-minute presentation, to which he was invited by Prof. Nathalie van der Velde and Prof. Alvaro Casas Herrero (Chair of the special interest group falls and fractures). The area of "prospective falls of test subjects" in particular met with great interest and led to stimulating discussions.

Tania Zieschang's presentation also dealt with further results of the SeFallED study, in particular findings on the effects on the functional course of older people after a fall with presentation in the emergency room. There was also valuable feedback on these results from the international experts present.

In further discussions, ideas for future research projects were developed and various approaches for analyzing existing data sets were discussed, and further joint meetings to discuss results with (inter)national experts were arranged in the coming weeks.

In addition to this intensive academic exchange, there was also some time to represent Oldenburg at the social dinner and the traditional dance that followed. After three intensive and inspiring congress days, the return journey to northern Germany began.


3rd Newsletter of the Department of Geriatrics


5th conference of the Federal Initiative for Fall Prevention (BIS) at the Haarentor Campus

On May 3 and 4, 2024, the 5th conference of the Federal Initiative for Fall Prevention (BIS) took place at the Haarentor Campus. The Department of Geriatrics, headed by Prof. Dr. med. Tania Zieschang, is a member of BIS and hosted the event for the first time this year. Accompanied by a scientific as well as very practice-oriented program of topics, a total of 200 people gathered in the lecture hall. In addition to scientists, therapists and trainers, participants and members of the advisory board of the SeFallED study also took part in the symposium. One of the main topics was the early identification of people with an increased risk of falling and perturbation training as an innovative approach to fall prevention. Initial results on the effectiveness of perturbation training were presented. New concepts, interventions and practical fields of action were introduced and discussed in 15 different workshops. As special guests, the Bremen synchronized gymnasts "Rosi and Renate" delighted the audience with a short performance followed by an interview. Their conclusion for older people: It's never too late for physical training.


Sandra Lau wins the poster prize at the EU Falls Festival 2024 in Malta

On April 25 and 26, the Geriatric Medicine Society of Malta hosted the EU Falls Festival. In addition to many international scientists, groups from Heidelberg, Herne/Bochum, Nuremberg and Oldenburg were also represented there.

Sandra Lau won the poster prize with her poster entitled "Innovative treadmill training - Access for persons at high risk of falls".

Congratulations to her!



BIS Conference 2024

In May/2024, we will be hosting the BIS conference(Federal Initiative for Fall Prevention) and are looking forward to welcoming numerous visitors.

You can find more information here.

DGG 2023

From 14-16.09.2023, the annual congress of the German Geriatrics Society (DGG) took place in Frankfurt am Main under the motto Geriatrics = E3 - Evidence, Empiricism and Empathy. Accompanied by Professor Dr. med. Tania Zieschang, Arber Gashi and Laura Schmidt took part as doctoral students from our department to present their current research results from their current projects.

As part of the symposium "Pushing to the limits - Pertubation-based training and assessment of reactive dynamic balance in the context of fall prevention", Professor Zieschang presented the topic "Methods for recording reactive dynamic balance in functionally heterogeneous groups of people". Laura Schmidt presented the topic "Postural instabilities and gait uncertainties after an index fall - comparison of sensor-based data in people with and without cognitive impairments" as part of the "Free lectures - best contribution" series. Arber Gashi gave a lecture on the topic "Relationship between endurance capacity and fall risk in older people". In addition to valuable feedback on the department's various presentations, a lot of input and food for thought was taken back to Oldenburg by attending other lectures and exchanging ideas with other working groups.

Fall prevention in Oldenburg

SeFallED - Exchange between researchers and citizens at a kick-off event for the 2nd project phase

You can find more information here...


1st Newsletter Geriatrics Department and invitation to the presentation day


How senior citizens research the risk of falling with young academics

Research in old age: the University of Oldenburg makes it possible. In an intergenerational project on the subject of falls, young academics and older citizens are working together to design a study. 01/2023

Continue reading here...


Uni sucht Probanden für Rollator-Studie

Viele sind mit einem Rollator unterwegs. Was macht das mit dem Gangbild und dem Gleichgewicht?

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1,8 Millionen Euro für neues Uni-Projekt
Stürze gezielt vermeiden

Neues Laufband im Fokus: Unter der Leitung von Geriatrie-Professorin Tania Zieschang prüfen Ellen Dunker und Ann-Kathrin Wolter im Gang-Labor der Uni Oldenburg das Instrument.

*NWZ Artikel

CoNFINE-Studie: Die Universität Oldenburg und milon untersuchen Auswirkungen von Corona-bedingten Sportpausen auf ältere Menschen
Die COVID-19-Pandemie führte zu zahlreichen Einschränkungen des öffentlichen und sozialen Lebens. Besonders die erzwungenen Sportpausen aufgrund geschlossener Fitness- und Gesundheitseinrichtungen könnten dabei für ältere Menschen Konsequenzen haben, denn mit zunehmendem Alter dauert der Wiederaufbau von Muskelkraft immer länger.

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Stürze gezielt vermeiden
Die Risiken wiederholter Stürze bei Älteren besser erfassen und diesen gezielt vorbeugen: Das ist Ziel des neuen Projekts SeFallED unter Leitung der Oldenburger Geriaterin Tania Zieschang.

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Ein Spiegel der Gesellschaft
Es ist ein Thema, das jeden betrifft: das Altern und das Alter. Geriaterin Tania Zieschang und Medizinethiker Mark Schweda erforschen es aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln. Ein Gespräch über Roboter in der Pflege, den Pandemieschutz Älterer – und über das, was bleibt.

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Studie Sturzprävention Uni Oldenburg
Auf diesem Laufband lernt man, nicht zu fallen

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Ziel: Therapien auf neuen Wegen

Nach ersten Erkenntnissen kann die Sturzrate im Alltag bereits durch eine einzelne Trainingseinheit auf dem Laufband gesenkt werden.

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