
Prof. Dr. Emil V. Stanev

Tel.: +49-(0)441-798-3635
Fax: +49-(0)441-798-3404
E-mail: stanev@icbm.de, emil.stanev@hzg.de

University of Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy
Room: AH231 3-303
Ammerländer Heerstr. 231
26129 Oldenburg
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Coastal Oceanography

Welcome in our Coastal Research Group

Main Research:
The research group aims at a theoretical description, quantification and
forecasting of physical and biogeochemical processes in regional seas and between continental slope and coast. Research methods include data analysis, numerical modelling and data assimilation. Major interest is given to circulation and thermodynamics, as well as ecosystem and sediment dynamics. Improving model skills by maximising the use of available data leads to improving forecasts and state estimates, which presents an important scientific contribution in the field of decision making and society in general.

Research Interests:

Ocean dynamics, Numerical modelling of shelf and semi-enclosed seas,Water cycles and water mass formation, Biogeochemical modelling, Sediment dynamics, Air-sea exchange and atmospheric studies

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