Spokesperson (Contact)

Prof. Dr. Helmut Hillebrand,
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM),
University of Oldenburg

+49 4421 944 102 (mainly Mon-Tue)

+49 471 4831 2542 (mainly Wed-Fri)


Every second thursday of the month:
Jour Fixe of all project members

Publication: „A Complete 60-Year Catalog of Wind Events in the German Bight (North Sea) Derived From ERA5 Reanalysis Data”: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2023EA003020

Publication: „On marine Real-World-Labs“: https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pan3.10412

Publication: „Environmental changes affect the microbial release of hydrogen sulfide and methane from sediments at Boknis Eck (SW Baltic Sea)“: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2022.1096062/full

Project duration: 01.12.2021 - 30.11.2024


Stakeholder dialogue in the real labs

The stakeholder dialogue in the CREATE project is based on an intensive stakeholder identification phase in which stakeholders were identified through newspaper, internet and document research as well as interviews with already identified stakeholders. In a subsequent stakeholder mapping, the stakeholders were clustered into rough sectoral interest groups. An initial online survey was then conducted to find out how the stakeholders would like to be involved in the project. This formed the basis for further cooperation in the form of interviews and/or participation in workshops. (see figure below...). The survey also included a content part where participants could share, among other things, their impression on the state of the environment, their perception on the biggest negative aspects/developments and their biggest hopes.(LINK - More info here). Information about the workshops can be found here: (LINK - Workshops)

Workshops in the real labs

The workshops create a space for joint exchange in which cooperation and understanding of the North Sea and Baltic Sea are to be improved. The collaboration with people involved in the design and use of the North Sea and Baltic Sea in different places and with different activities should serve to shape the future of the North Sea and Baltic Sea as a living, natural and economic space and to reduce the various negative impacts on the environment. Stakeholders from the Sylt Outer Reef and Borkum Riffgrund reallaboratories have already been able to meet in two workshops on the topic of "Sustainable North Sea". Stakeholders from the Eckernförde area were able to meet in parallel in two workshops on the topic of "Sustainable Baltic Sea".

In the workshops the understanding and networking of very diverse stakeholders could be strengthened. This was supported by constructive and respectful discussions and formats that initiated a change of perspective. In addition, competing interests and coordination needs with regard to ecological and social components could be worked out together. Based on a broad understanding of the problem and its causes, relevant topics were named by the group of stakeholders and initial approaches to solutions and areas for action were identified.

Following each workshop, a workshop report was prepared and shared with the participants and interested parties. A possible publication of the reports will be aimed at a later date.

Stakeholder mapping

CREATE identifies stakeholder groups and individuals in the local area of the reallaboratories. Human activities, anthropogenic pressures and impacts, and management of ecosystem components play a primary role in identifying key individuals. A mapping of key interests, perceptions, and values will explore differences and commonalities.

Stakeholder definition

A group, company, organisation, member or system that exerts an influence on a particular thing or may itself be affected by a particular thing.

The project CREATE (Concepts for Reducing the Effects of Anthropogenic pressures and uses on marine Ecosystems and on Biodiversity) is part of the mission sustainMare within the German Alliance for Marine Research (DAM). CREATE is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, 03F0836A).

(Changed: 30 Oct 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p90265en
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