Dr. Sibet Riexinger
Public Outreach
Room: Wilhelmshaven, EG 004
Room: Oldenburg,
Phone: +49-(0)4421-944-113 / (0)441-798 8113
Citclops Consortium meets at the ICBM
Europa at ICBM – Citclops Consortium meets on Campus Wechloy
From 17 to 19 March, project partners from eleven institutions of five European countries met at the Wechloy campus in Oldenburg. Their main goal in the EU project Citclops (Citizens' Observatory for Coast and Ocean Optical Monitoring): To engage citizens in maritime surveillance and to develop novel techniques which allow simple measurements with smartphones. In this way Citclops initiates a so-called Citizen Observatory, a virtual observatory, in which everybody can participate. In addition to satellite-and ship-based measurements, the combined data of individual lay observers have high information content for science and environmental management. Such large datasets over space and time allow the observation of processes of societal concern, such as the eutrophication of waters.
With the current event, the first project phase is approaching a successful completion. Prior to the event in Wechloy, about a dozen Citclops scientists conducted the first Citclops Blue Info Days and Open House Event in Wilhelmshaven. Here, citizens could experience themselves how to conduct measurements with simple tools, including their own smartphones. Find news about the project and get involved in environmental stewardship within Citclops here.