Who is who?



The scientific programme will be arranged by staff members of the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM). Technical ICBM staff will assist in the practical work.

The main contributors are (listed in alphabetical order):

Dr. Thomas Badewien

... is a physical oceanographer in the Marine Sensors Group at ICBM. He joined ICBM as scientist in the DFG-Research Group on “BioGeoChemistry of Tidal Flats” in 2004. Since 2009, he is scientifically and technically responsible for running the time series station near Spiekeroog, and also a lecturer at the Jade University of Applied Sciences. He was co-organizer of the former ICBM summer schools

Apl.-Prof. Dr. Thorsten Brinkhoff

...is member of the ICBM group “Biology of Geological Processes” since 1998. Prior he did research on microbial ecology at Max-Planck-Institute for Marine Microbiology (Bremen, Germany) for his doctorate. Currently, he is project leader and business manager in of CRC Transregio 51 (Roseobacter). His fields of expertise are molecular biology, genomics of bacteria, and aquatic microbial ecology.

More about Thorsten Brinkhoff...

Dr. Claudia Ehlert

...is a Post-Doc in the Max Planck Research group for Marine Isotope Geochemistry since 2013. After her PhD studies in Geochemistry at University of Kiel, she was Post-Doc at GEOMAR (Kiel). Her research interests are geochemistry of stable and radiogenic isotopes and of nutrients in water and sediment.

More about Claudia Ehlert...

PD Dr. Holger Freund

...is a Quaternary geologist and geobotanist and leader of the Geoecology Group at ICBM since 2004. Before, he held several positions at the Geological Survey of Lower Saxony and the Universities of Hannover and Rostock. His work experience and research interests are in the fields of geoecology, as well as paleoclimatology and -ecology of the coastal Holocene with special emphasis on landscape development at different spatial and temporal scales.

More about Holger Freund and his group...

Dr. Birte Junge

...is the managing director and scientific coordinator of ICBM. She studied biology and earth sciences and worked at the Geological Survey of Lower Saxony, Hannover. After finishing her PhD thesis on tropical soils, she was a Post Doc at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture in Ibadan (Nigeria) and worked on soil degradation and soil conservation. Before she joined ICBM in July 2010, she worked as an international project manager at the Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover.

Dr. Jürgen Köster

...is organic geochemist and geologist and joined ICBM in 1998. He worked in several large research projects, e.g. in the Research Group on “BioGeoChemistry of Tidal Flats”. His research interests are organic, molecular and isotope geochemistry, algal and bacterial lipids, sedimentology and diagenesis of organic matter, and geochemistry of fossil fuels. He was one of the organisers of the previous ICBM summer schools and is coordinator of the summer school is 2015.

More about Jürgen Köster....

Dr. Karsten Lettmann

...is member of the Physical Oceanography group since 2007 and specialized in hydrodynamic and biogeochemical numerical modelling. He received his doctoral degree from University of Bremen and worked as scientist at Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (Bremen) and Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar Research (Bremerhaven).

More about the Physical Oceanography group...

Prof. Dr. Helmut Hillebrand

...is head of the ICBM Planktology Group since 2008. After his habilitation in Uppsala (Sweden) he held university professorships in Kiel and Köln. His expertise is in biodiversity especially ecosystem functioning, ecological stoichiometry, competition, and predator-prey interactions. Currently he serves as director of ICBM, and a.o. speaker of the BEFmate project (Biodiversity – Ecosystem Functioning across marine and terrestrial ecosystems).

More about Helmut Hillebrand and his group...

Dr. Stefanie Moorthi

...is an aquatic ecologist and staff member of the ICBM Planktology group. After completing her PhD at the GEOMAR in Kiel, she was a Postdoc at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and then at the University of Cologne. Her research focus is on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and on trophic interactions in microbial food webs, including mixotrophy and bloom dynamics of harmful algae.

More about Stefanie Moorthi...

Dr. Katharina Pahnke

...received a PhD in Paleoceanography from Cardiff University (United Kingdom). After holding Post-Doc positions at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (USA), and a Research Professorship at the University of Hawaii (USA), she is now head of the Max Planck Research Group on Marine Isotope Geochemistry at ICBM since 2011. Her research focuses on the understanding of past and present processes in the oceans that can be deduced from stable and radiogenic isotopes.

More about Katharina Pahnke...

More about the Marine Isotope Geochemistry Group...

Prof. Dr. Meinhard Simon

...is head of the ICBM group “Biology of Geological Processes” since 1997, and head of the Collaborative Research Centre Transregio 51: Ecology, Physiology and Molecular Biology of the Roseobacter clade. After his dissertation at the University of Freiburg, he held post-doc positions at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (La Jolla, USA) and the University of Konstanz. His group is specialised on microbial ecology in oceans and coastal waters, and on microbial processes associated with particles and suspended material.

More about Meinhard Simon and his group...

Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus

...is professor for General and Molecular Microbiology since May 2006. After his dissertation at the University of Bremen (1992) he held Post-doc positions at Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (Bremen) and the University of California (San Diego, USA). His research focusses on physiology and proteomics of environmental bacteria.

More about Ralf Rabus and his group...

Dr. Mariana Ribas Ribas

...joined the Marine Surfaces Group at ICBM in 2014 as a post-doc researcher. She received her PhD from University of Cádiz, Spain, and was a Post-Doc at National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton (UK). Her research interest is carbon and carbonate cycling across aquatic systems including coastal ecosystems (estuaries and continental margins) and polar regions with particular emphasis on the exchange of CO2 with the atmosphere and on the coupling between inorganic carbon dynamics and biological processes.

More about Mariana Ribas Ribas...

Prof. Dr. Jörg Olaf Wolff

...is a professor for Physical Oceanography (theory and numeric modelling) at ICBM since 1999. He graduated at the University of Hamburg (1991), and was a research scientist at Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (Hamburg) and the Co-operative Research Centre for the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Environment at University of Tasmania (Hobart, Australia). His research focus is currently on costal hydro- and sediment dynamics. In addition he serves as chief editor of “Ocean Dynamics”.

More about Jörg Olaf Wolff and his group...

Dr. Lars Wöhlbrand

...is a Post-Doc in the General and Molecular Microbiology Group since 2009. Following his doctorate studies at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology he focussed on genome analysis and subcellular proteomics of environmental bacteria as well as mass spectrometry. His research interest are physiology of environmetal bacteria as well as gel-based and MS-based proteome analysis, including meta-proteomics.

More about Lars Wöhlbrand's group...

Dr. Oliver Wurl

...leads the research group “Sea Surfaces” that has been recently established at ICBM. With a Starting Grant from the European Research Council he investigates air-sea interactions and sea-surface microlayers. Former stations of his research career were the National University of Singapore (graduation in 2006) and the Institute of Ocean Sciences (BC, Canada). He is co-chair of the Scientific Committee on Ocean Research working group 141.

More about Oliver Wurl and his group...

Prof. Dr. Oliver Zielinski

...is professor for Marine Sensor Systems at ICBM since 2011. Before, he held leading positions in marine sensor systems industry and a professorship at the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. His fields of expertise include marine environmental and biogeochemical sensors, marine optics and physics, and autonomous long-term sensor systems and observatories. His research focusses on new sensor developments for observations in the marine environment and of potential hazards.

More about Oliver Zielinski and his group...

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p36202en
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