
Prof. Dr. Monika Ortmann

Phone: +49 (0)441/798-3742

Prof. Dr. Clemens Hillenbrand

Phone: +49 (0)441/798-3742

Cooperations in Dohuk

Cooperations in Dohuk

Before the escalation of the political and economic situation in the region “Kurdistan Regional Government”, there were regular study and research related visits by the project leaders and project collaborators of the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg to the University of Dohuk.

The implementation of the course of study “Disability Studies and Rehabilitation” was planned and executed in 2014 in cooperation with those responsible in Dohuk. The development of the curriculum for this innovate course of study was a cooperative working process of researchers from both universities. There were regular presentations and workshops in Dohuk by the project team from Oldenburg as well as meetings for the scientific management when needed.

In addition, the stays of the researchers from Oldenburg in Dohuk helped them to explore and get to know the life situations, care and educational offers for people with disabilities in North Iraq. In this context, the few already existing institutions for the diagnosis, support and education for this group of people were visited.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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