Business Strategies

Business Strategies

Responsible for module: Prof. Dr. Joern Hoppmann
Teaching format: Lecture, tutorials, group work
Assessment:  Seminar thesis (in groups)
ECTS credits:    6 (= 4 hours per semester week)
Frequency: annually in the winter semester

The module is offered in the following degree programs:

  • Bachelor of Arts Business Administration and Law (specialization module in the 3rd semester, elective)
  • Single-subject Bachelor of Arts Business Administration and Economics (specialization module in the 3rd semester, elective)
  • Dual-subject Bachelor of Arts Business Administration and Economics (advanced module in the 3rd semester, elective)
  • Master Management Consulting (basic module in the 1st semester)

Concept and content

The course offers a comprehensive overview of the models and instruments of strategic management. The first part of the course introduces important concept and models of strategic management and discusses their application using examples from corporate practice. Central topics that are being discussed in this context are the relation between firm strategies and competitive advantage, strategy analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategies in the context of internationalization and innovation. In the second part of the course, students apply and deepen their knowledge by writing a thesis that analyzes the strategy of a specific company.


The goal of the course is that students are able to

  • know and understand basic concepts, instruments, and theories of strategic management
  • analyze company strategies by applying conceptual frameworks
  • understand the advantages and disadvantages of common instruments and models and critically evaluate their applicability
  • independently develop strategic options and derive recommendations for their implementation in real-life settings

Literatur (optional)

  • Rothaermel, F.T. (2012): Strategic Management (1. Auflage), McGraw-Hill Education, New York.
  • Wunder, T. (2016): Essentials of Strategic Management: Effective Formulation and Execution of Strategy (1. Auflage), Schäffer Poeschel, Stuttgart.
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