Communication, Presentation, and Moderation

Communication, Presentation, and Moderation

Communication, Presentation, Moderation (KPM)

Responsible for module: ProfDr. Jörn Hoppmann
Additional teachers: Jens Heinemann
Teaching format: Seminar, tutorials, group work, praxis interviews

Portfolio assessment (presentation, thesis, reflection paper, interview, active participation)

ECTS credits: 6 (= 4 hours per semester week)
Frequency: annually in the summer semester

 The module is offered in the following degree programs:

  • Master Business Administration, Economics and Law
  • can be selected as an elective in other programs


Students possess...

  • comprehensive theoretical knowledge in the field of communication, presentation, and moderation
  • further develop their soft skills

Students are able to...

  • apply their theoretical knowledge from the module when analyzing the practical insights from the interviews
  • learn in a self-sufficient manner
  • apply different moderation and presentation techniques in a presentation, interview, or workshop

Concept and content of the module

The module offers an introduction to the basic questions of communication, presentation and moderation. Topics that are being discussed in the course are, for example, theoretical foundations of communication processes, corporate communication as well as presentation and moderation methods.

The module starts with a kick-off event and the distribution of tasks for individual study. In the semester, three additional event days (theory blocks) will be held in the World Café format, during which students will give presentations. Moreover, during these events, lecturers will provide students with additional information and will distribute additional tasks. These events will be complemented by tutorials held in between the events.

The module ends with a final event. Here, students will gather after having conducted company interviews to discuss and consolidate their interview findings. The course will also deal with new forms of media and the opportunities and risks they offer for corporate communication.

Suggested literature

Altmann, G./Fiebiger, H./Müller, R. (1999): Mediation: Konfliktmanagement für moderne Unternehmen. Weinheim und Basel.

Crisand, E. (2000): Psychologie der Gesprächsführung. Arbeitshefte Führungspsychologie, Band 11, Heidelberg.

Ekman, P. (1989): Warum Lügen kurze Beine Haben. Berlin.

Lenzen, A. (1999): Präsentieren – Moderieren. Berlin.

Luhmann, N. (1994): Soziale Systeme: Grundriß einer allgemeinen Theorie. 5. Aufl., Frankfurt am Main.

Mesterharm, M. (2001): Integrierte Umweltkommunikation von Unternehmen. Marburg.

Müller, C. (1996): Redebegleitende Gesten, Kulturgeschichte – Theorie – Sprachvergleich. Berlin.

Schranner, M. (2004): Verhandeln im Grenzbereich. Vierte Auflage, München.

Schulz von Thun, F. (2001): Miteinander Reden 1 – 3. Reinbek bei Hamburg.

Schulz von Thun, F./ Ruppel, J./ Stratmann, R. (2001): Miteinander Reden; Kommunikationspsychologie für Führungskräfte. Reinbeck bei Hamburg.

Seifert J., W. (2000): Besprechungs-Moderation. Vierte Auflage, Offenbach.

Shannon, D. E./Weaver, W. (1971, erste Auflage 1949): The Mathematical Theory of Comunication. 12. Auflage, Urbana, Chicago, London.

Thiele, A. (2003): Die Kunst zu überzeugen; Faire und unfaire Dialektik. Berlin; Heidelberg.

Watzlawick, P./Beavin J. H./ Jackson D. D. (2003): Menschliche Kommunikation; Formen, Störungen, Paradoxien. Bern.

Will, H. (2000): Mini Handbuch; Vortrag und Präsentation. Weinheim; Basel.

Willke, H. (1993): Systemtheorie: Eine Einführung in die Grundprobleme der Theorie sozialer Systeme. 4. Aufl. Stuttgart, Jena.

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