Sustainable Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

 Responsible for module: Katharina Gaertner
 Additional lecturer: -
 Teaching format: Seminar
 Assessment: Portfolio (active discussion participation + critical essay)
 ECTS credits: 3 (= 2 hours per semester week)
 Frequency: annually in the summer semester

The module is offered in the following degree programs:

  • Master Sustainability Economics and Management
  • can be selected as elective in other degree programs

Concept and content

The course "Sustainable Mobility" offers an overview on the current challenges and changes that arise in the context of sustainable mobility. Various trends are currently affecting the mobility sector and are causing upheavals or are triggering the desire for change on various levels. On the individual level, for example, the desire for creative participation in the ongoing change processes is growing, as the "Fridays for Future" movement shows. Concerning the organisational level, on the other hand, other challenges are developing, as the change to digital business models and new technologies in the automotive industry shows. However, the transformations taking place on other levels also interact at the system level and require new regulations, standards and approaches to solutions to enable sustainable mobility.

In order to better comprehend the interplay of different developments and trends in the mobility sector, the seminar will work in a practice-oriented manner by means of case studies. The resulting social and business implications and questions will be discussed within the course. In joint interaction during the case study discussion, a link to the current scientific literature will be drawn to understand the underlying processes and to be able to evaluate their implications based on social, ecological and economic criteria.

Exemplary questions that will be dealt with in the course are:

  • Which climate policy challenges arise for the mobility sector?
  • To what extent is the understanding of mobility changing socially?
  • What systemic upheavals can be observed in the mobility sector in Germany?
  • To what extent can companies adapt to changing mobility demands and requirements?
  • Which new approaches exist to make mobility more sustainable?
  • What challenges arise in the implementation of new technologies and mobility approaches?
  • How viable and sustainable are new mobility concepts, business models and innovations?

By the end of the seminar, the knowledge gained in discussions will be brought together and applied using a mobility management game. The implications resulting from the simulation will be addressed in the course and can be discussed in a modified form in a critical essay using a specifically chosen question.


The students should...

  • know current upheavals and challenges in the mobility sector with regard to sustainability at the individual, organisational and system level
  • assess the environmental impact of the mobility sector
  • Understand corporate strategies and business models in the context of sustainable transformation
  • know and critically analyse the interaction of different factual levels with respect to challenges in the mobility sector
  • be able to discuss current trends and challenges in the mobility sector with regard to economic, ecological and social implications
  • be able to combine the case studies on mobility discussed in the course with current and appropriate theoretical literature
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