Renewable Energy Management

Renewable Energy Management

 Responsible for module: Prof. Dr. Joern Hoppmann
 Additional lecturer: -
 Teaching format: Seminars
 Assessment: Exam
 ECTS credits: 3 (= 2 hours per semester week)
 Frequency: annually in the winter semester

The module is offered in the following degree programs:

  • Master Sustainability Economics and Management
  • Postgraduate Program Renewable Energy (PPRE)
  • can be selected as elective in other degree programs

Concept and content

The module "Renewable Energy Management" offers an introduction to the most important areas relevant to the management of renewable energy companies. To this end, the course first provides a general introduction to economic fundamentals and principles. Students then gain insights into the following topics:

  • Energy markets
  • Renewable energy policy and climate policy
  • Energy and society
  • Foundation and strategies of renewable energy companies
  • Investment and financing in the renewable energy sector
  • Innovation management in the renewable energy sector

Each of these topics will be explored in depth through practical exercises, including guest lectures, simulations, stakeholder discussions, case studies and investment calculations.


Students should:

  • understand the most important economic principles
  • have a basic understanding of the functioning of energy markets
  • have an overview of the types and effectiveness of policies to promote renewable energy technologies
  • understand the interaction between society and renewable energy technologies
  • know which aspects play an important role when founding renewable energy start-ups and developing corporate strategies in the renewable energy sector
  • be able to assess alternative investment and financing possibilities in the context of renewable energy
  • understand how renewable energy innovation projects can be structured and implemented

Literature (optional)

Anadon, L. D. (2012). Missions-oriented RD&D institutions in energy between 2000 and 2010: A comparative analysis of China, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Research Policy, 41(10), 1742-1756.

Hoppmann, J., Volland, J., Schmidt, T. S., & Hoffmann, V. H. (2014). The economic viability of battery storage for residential solar photovoltaic systems–A review and a simulation model. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 39, 1101-1118.

Hoppmann, J., Peters, M., Schneider, M., & Hoffmann, V. H. (2013). The two faces of market support - How deployment policies affect technological exploration and exploitation in the solar photovoltaic industry. Research Policy, 42(4), 989-1003.

Gallagher, K. S., Grübler, A., Kuhl, L., Nemet, G., & Wilson, C. (2012). The energy technology innovation system. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 37, 137-162.

Jacobsson, S., & Lauber, V. (2006). The politics and policy of energy system transformation - Explaining the German diffusion of renewable energy technology. Energy Policy, 34(3), 256-276.

Nemet, G. F. (2019). How solar energy became cheap: A model for low-carbon innovation. London: Routledge.

Ossenbrink, J., Hoppmann, J., & Hoffmann, V. H. (2019). Hybrid ambidexterity: How the environment shapes incumbents' use of structural and contextual approaches. Organization Science, 30(6), 1125-1393.

Simkins, B., & Simkins, R. (2013). Energy finance and economics: analysis and valuation, risk management, and the future of energy (Vol. 606): John Wiley & Sons.

Wüstenhagen, R., Wolsink, M., & Bürer, M. J. (2007). Social acceptance of renewable energy innovation: An introduction to the concept. Energy Policy, 35, 2683-2691.

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