Weitere Informationen
zu Michaela Keck erhalten Sie auf der englischsprachigen Seite.

Michaela Keck

Institute for English and American Studies
Literary and Cultural Studies

Michaela Keck

Research Interests: American literature and culture

  • women's writing
  • visual culture and art history
  • transcendentalism and the American Renaissance
  • ecocritical studies and the environmental humanities
  • (classical) myth and its (feminist) reception
  • African American literature
  • Margaret Atwood and her writings




Contact Information

Office:A6 2-212b (» Adresse und Lageplan)
Consultation:WiSe 2024-25: Wednesday 10.30-11.15. Please register for the office hours via Stud.IP for one of the 15-minute slots. The office hours take place in my office and begin when classes commence as well.
Non-term consultation: 
Phone:+49 441 798 4570
Fax:+40 441 798 3771
(Changed: 05 Sep 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/en/michaela-keck?type=0
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