Contact details

Dr. Dmitry Momotenko
Group Leader

+49 441 798 3644

Postal Address

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
School V – Mathematics and Science 
Institute of Chemistry
D-26111 Oldenburg

For visitors

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Campus Wechloy
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9-11
Building W3, Room W3-1-117, 1st floor
D-26129 Oldenburg

Student projects

Nanoscale electrochemical 3D printing of functional devices: nanorobots, sensors, and energy storage


3D printing is a family of emerging techniques for fabrication of functional devices. We are currently exploring a new technology we developed to achieve 3D nanoprinting with ultrahigh resolution and nanoscale precision. This opens numerous exciting opportunities for fabrication of functional devices and materials for biomedical, sensing and energy storage applications.


We employ small nanoscale nozzles to deliver metal ions locally and transform them into solid metal features. This is achieved by using glass capillaries with ultrasmall opening diameters with dimensions down to a few nanometers. With this technique we have already set a record in printing dimensions and the current work is focused on the further technique development and it’s application for fabrication of sensing units for biomedical technology, new efficient energy storage units, implants for neuroscience, nanorobotics and microelectromechanical devices.

In this project you will be exposed on many aspects of nanoscale 3D printing technology: software development, fabrication of printing nozzles, deposition of new materials, as well as design of new functional devices and their characterization with the state-of-the-art methods. We have several projects on various topics where this new advanced fabrication technology is set to make a major breakthrough – in particular, sensing, energy storage, nanoscale motion.


The goal of this project is to achieve breakthrough in advanced manufacturing and employ advanced nanoscale 3D printing technology for engineering of new materials and functional devices.


nanoprinting, 3D printing, nanotechnology, electrochemistry, sensors, energy

Contact details

Dr. Dmitry Momotenko

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