Accidents and insurance

Who is insured?

Members of the University of Oldenburg and the cooperating universities are insured in most cases via the legal accident insurance when participating in university sports. If this does not apply (see below), the participant’s own accident or health insurance generally applies.

The German State Accident Insurance (Landesunfallkasse) as service provider for legal accident insurance at universities defines the conditions for insurance as part of the Hochschulsport courses as follows:

“The optional participation of students in general university sports is to be considered insured if the following conditions are met:

– The sports programme at the universities must have the character of official university events.

– General university sports must be carried out by the university itself (e.g. university institute for physical exercise) or a university-related institution (e.g. ASTA).

– The sports must take place within organised exercising, i.e. during the specified times and under the supervision of an appointed trainer.


Free sporting activities outside of organised exercising at university sports facilities (e.g. free playgroups, free tennis, individual training in fitness studios) is, like participation in competitive sports in university and other sports clubs, not insured. Purely placing students in clubs or with organisers with special sports courses, such as gliding, water skiing, skydiving or scuba-diving, is also not insured.

If the events offered in the sports programme of the sports centres are primarily intended for private recreational activities (e.g. international travel), then the legal accident insurance coverage can be eliminated. There is generally also no legal accident insurance coverage for competitions in the area of competitive and high-performance sports.

Staff of the universities are only insured when participating in university sports if at the same time the special requirements of company sports are met (compensatory character of sports, regularity, company-related nature of the organisation and the group of participants, not competitive sports). Guests (non-members) of the sports centres are generally not insured.”


Non-university members are only insured via their own accident or health insurance.

Reporting accidents (only concerns members of the university)

After an accident, all members of the university must be sure to submit a so-called Accident Report (Unfallmeldung) to the sports officials on Uhlhornsweg for their own protection!
The forms for this purpose are available from the sports officials on Uhlhornsweg, at our office and here as a
pdf (in german). Please submit the filled-out report to the sports officials on Uhlhornsweg.
The sports officials will also help you fill out the report. The report should be submitted immediately after the accident, if possible.

Scope of insurance (only concerns members of the university)

The insurance coverage only refers to bodily injuries, and not to property damage (e.g. glasses etc.). For further details, please contact the “Landesunfallkasse” in Hanover.

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