
Programme coordinator

Dr. Kerstin Bleichner





Academic staff members and students of the Department of Psychology discuss study affairs in several committees. Students are encouraged to actively participate in these committees. Here you can find the names of the elected members.

Admissions committee

Prof. Dr. Christiane Thiel (chairperson)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Herrmann
Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener
Prof. Dr. Jochem Rieger (substitute)
Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt (substitute)
Prof. Dr. Mandy Roheger (substitute)

Academic staff:
Dr. Sebastian Puschmann
Dr. Cassie Short (substitute)
Rebekah Brückner (substitute)

Paula Alejandra Porras Lopez
Dilay Dollnick (substitute)

Examining board and dates

Prof. Dr. Christoph Herrmann (chair)
Prof. Dr. Jochem Rieger
Prof. Dr. Christiane Thiel (substitute chair)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener (substitute)
Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt (substitute)
Prof. Dr. Mandy Roheger (substitute)

Academic staff:
Dr. Andreas Hellmann
Dr. Carsten Gießing (substitute)

Hanna Laurisch (Master)
Larissa Klingmann (substitute) (Master)
Sophie Paape (phased out Diplom)
Paula Alejandra Porras Lopez (substitute) (phased out Diplom)

Communication regarding examination related issues needs to be addressed to the examinations office.

examinations office

The following requests can be sent directly to:
Minor approvals
approval for an external Practical Project (if supervisor does carry a doctoral title)
approval to act as examiner for a Master’s thesis (if not listed on the list of examiners)

Next meeting of the examining board
(please make sure to hand in your applications/requests well in time):
15 January 25

Study committee of the Department of Psychology

Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener
Prof. Dr. Mandy Roheger
Prof. Dr. Christoph Herrmann
Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt (substitute)
Prof. Dr. Christiane Thiel (substitute)
Prof. Dr. Jochem Rieger (substitute)

Academic staff:
Melanie Klapprott
Dr. Heiko Stecher
Dr. Jale Özyurt (substitute)
Reiner Emkes (substitute)

Hanna Laurisch
Hayden Mayer
Anna E. Bader
Janina Klarmann
Anna Seßmann (substitute)
Janeke Nemitz (substitute)

Advisory board for study affairs of the Faculty VI

School Board of School VI - Medicine and Health Sciences

Advisory board for study affairs - across all faculties

Accreditation committee of the university

Representatives from Psychology:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener (substitute)

Robin Bosse

(Changed: 08 Jan 2025)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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