
Inquiries about the programme:

Dr. Kerstin Bleichner

International relations (Erasmus+):

Dr. Cornelia Kranczioch


  • Erasmus+ Application procedure within the Department of Psychology
  • NENS flyer Training opportunities and available financial support from NENS

Extracurricular Opportunities and Going Abroad

Extracurricular Opportunities and Going Abroad

Additions to the regular curriculum

We offer:

  • a career day organized by students for students
  • an active student body
  • hands-on research and the opportunity to find a student job in the labs of the department

Going abroad

Our students have several options for studying or doing research (internships, theses, practical projects) abroad. Classes which students study abroad can be accredited in the modules Minor and Studies Abroad Neuroscience/Psychology (total of 18 credits). 

  • ERASMUS+ cooperations offer places for studying abroad with a number of renowned European universities. Please find detailed information on the application procedure within the Department of Psychology in the document provided on this website.

Going abroad with Erasmus+

  • Fellowships in Marseille, France offer funding for research stays:

Mobility fellowships Marseille

  • We are a member of the Network of European Neuroscience Schools (NENS). It offers lots of advantages for students: mobility grants for internships in other labs, travel grants to conferences, slots in neuroscience courses, and schools, etc. Please note that you need an individual student membership in a FENS member society to apply.



  • You can find additional information on funding options here:

Funding options for stays abroad

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