Department of Psychology (» Postal address)
Dr. Martin Bleichner
Prinicipal Investigator
- Mobile Ear-EEG Recordings
- Auditory perception in everyday life
- Neurophysiology of everyday life
I am principal investigator of the neurophysiology in everyday life group. My goal is to develop a perception based noise dosemitry. I want to understand the negative consequences of annoying sounds on our well being. For this we use a combination of mobile EEG, ear centered electrodes and smartphone based signal acquisition. We use this setup to study auditory perception in everyday life situations. Our current focus is to improve the signal quality of beyond the lab recordings.
Previously I worked as a postdoc on brain computer interfaces (BCI) for hearing devices, funded by the Hearing4all cluster of excellence. The goal was to develop auditory BCIs for hearing aids, cochlear implants and non-medical applications. Part of this works was the development of the cEEGrid (, a behind-the-ear electrode array that allows concealed EEG recordings.
Further, I worked on a joint research project on social interactions (funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung, see below) together with Prof. Stefan Scherbaum and the PhD Students Tatiana Goregliad Fjaellingsdal, and Diana Schwenke (see here).
During my time as a PhD student I have worked on the development of an implantable BCI (Utrecht Neuro Prothese, UNP) for severely paralyzed patients at the UMC Utrecht (Prof. Nick Ramsey) as well as on decoding of communication relevant movements using high-field fMRI and high-density electrocorticography (ECoG).
I also offer supervision of research projects and Master theses in the area of mobile EEG, mobile BCI and social interaction.
My tutorials on the lab streaming layer (LSL), designed for our LSL workshops, can be found here.
Education - Career
Since 2019
Principal Investigator, Neurophysiology of everyday life (Emmy Noether Group), Dept. of Psychology, University of Oldenburg
2013 - 2019
Post-doc, Dept. of Psychology, University of Oldenburg
Phd Student at the University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands.
MSc Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, and at the University Hostpital Tübingen, Germany.
2002 -2005
BSc Cognitive science, University of Osnabrück, Germany.